Reading this post makes me sad. Reason is that people like you.. well thats hars. You think that a FREE game needs to do stuff for you all the time. Planetside is great game with great content and graphics. Gameplay is done pretty good compared to other FPS that have been released.
Bugs are good to be fixed. Means developers are following community, but nothing is made fast. It is easy to say "why not this and that", but if they do everything fast and quick the result will be also fast and quick if you know what I mean.
New content. I do not thing this game needs to have any. This is FPS. People are playing Mohaa, ET, QL and many other FPS games that are very good in competitions. They play same maps, same weapons and classes and every single match that they have is a blast. Because of the game and because of the challange that other players bring.
There are less and less players? Well it is true and it is totally normal. When game comes out there are many people trying it out and after they notice that it is not what they want they quit it. People who stay are those who like to play here and there and then there are this gamers who really love the game and enjoy having same experience everytime. The rush of adrenaline when getting head to head against an outfit or clan that is very strong or creating new tactics with team and executing them. Winning the battles that are very hard to win.
Having a game like this is pretty damm awesome so give creators some credit