First we must apologize. We can swearz we MADe this post beforez.
[H4TZ] is an air superiority outfit. We run escorted Galaxy drops. Continent caps. Crown raids and defenses. We like action when we have the advantage. And we gain the advantage through speed and stategery.
We are casually hard core. That means, we don't schedule a bunch of shit that people have to revolve their lives around to participate. If you're on, you're in. And by hard core I mean, you better know how do your fucking job.
We're very helpful by nature. You don't have to be hard core to play. If you don't know something ask. If we can't help immediately, put it on the forums.
We've got
twits, and coming soon
We major in fun and minor in asplosions. We expect results. We do not recruit. We collect.
Remind me to fix this when they fix this.
Stop crying in my beer. -- Czuuk