Originally Posted by Death2All
Unfrotunately that doesn't happen. Here's what does:
Someone makes a thread comparing and contrasting PS1 and PS2.
Legions of angry PS2 fanboys jump in the thread making off topic, non-constructive posts an insults to the OP for being a bitter vet
The flaming and bashing gets so bad to the point that Hamma has to scold the community for "being idiots" then locks the thread.
That's how nearly every PS1 vs PS2 contrast thread ends up. And it's usually the PS2 players that derail the threads, yet it's the PS1 players that get the blame.
I don't agree with your assessment of this at all. All the constructive PS1 posts that reference PS2 are well received on PSU and even on the official forums.
Read through this thread and you see the PS1 vets coming out with attacks on PS2 and anyone who defends PS2. This thread alone proves you wrong, without even having to go to the other threads. There's even someone who brought in the developers experience in PS1, come on.. I mean really?
There's a difference between being a bitter vet and being one of the angry vets who go out of their way to throw a tantrum about every single thing the PS2 dev's do. What they don't realize is that 95% of the people here are PS1 vets, just the really angry ones seem to think they're special and deserve special treatment. The problem is not people who mention PS1, the problem is people who mention PS1 as strictly being better because they said so
! Who cares if they feel PS1 is better, that doesn't help PS2 become better in any way.