PS2 Premium Membership May Give Acess to PS1
In a recent Tweet from Smedley:
It's been confirmed that talks of PS1's F2P implementation have not yet been discussed or finalized. Smedley appears to like the suggestion very much.
I hate to sound ungrateful, but I really hope that they don't decide to make this the final solution to PS1 going F2P through PS2 instead of just officially making the game F2P.
The main barrier keeping people from coming back to PS1 is the subscription fee. Yes, there are a lot of people with premium memberships for PS2, but they have those premium memberships specifically for PS2, I doubt many of them had PS1 in mind when setting up that subscription.
My point is, giving PS2 members access to PS1 for free won't bolster the pops any, or at least very much, save for the few PS1 vets who purchased Alpha Squad (no word on whether or not that counts as premium membership or not, but I think it's safe to assume so. And even so, I believe the alpha squad thingy is about to run out anyways, so it would only be people with an active non-alpha squad subscription who get access, AKA non PS1 players) who get access.
Once more, I don't want to sound ungrateful. Any attempt to make PS1 F2P I happily accept. However, I just don't want this to be the final solution. As I said, the subscription fee is the only barrier keeping people from coming back to the game. Even if you give PS2 members access, that subscription fee is still there. Personally, I'd be happy with a lower subscription fee ($5/month) as opposed to any attempt to make the game F2P and any implementation of a cash shop or some other form of monetization that probably wouldn't work for the game.
What are your thoughts?
Last edited by Death2All; 2013-02-27 at 11:39 AM.