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Old 2013-03-02, 03:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
We needed to be merged

As far as I can tell, there are only ever two modestly large "fights" at any given time, both on Indar, and very little else going on in the game on this server. The population feels low and finding consistent, long, rewarding activity is becoming difficult.

It's wierd actually, because I see the exact same situation play out every day on this server.

It goes like so,

- VS push west into Crossroads with, like, ALL OF THEM. Then they move to Xenotech then Regnant Rock then they split off and go to Vanu Archives and Peris. Often times they take Peris, but by that point most of what they took has been taken back or is being taken back. This push can last about an hour and then the VS just completely disappear for an hour or so, back into their Tarwich bubble. Tarwich gets passed back and forth once or or twice, then the whole thing repeats, (with varying degrees of westard incursion, but I've only seen the VS take HVAR once, briefly).

- NC push south/west down to the TR warpgate area, after the TR had pushed NC up the N/W into their warpgate area. Various levels of back and forth occur here, with a complete swing sometimes occuring in as little as 20 minutes. It's ALL very predictable, from the Amp Station /Tech Plant/Bio Lab fights to the small outposts, it's almost exactly the same all the time.

- The VS and NC rarely exchange land on the east side of the map. The both seem to prefer fighting the TR. *shrug* I guess we TR are that cool.

- The middle of the map oscillates from very low activity to extremely heavy activity, but the activity comes and goes very quickly. Perhaps 30 to 45 minutes of good activity at a time, with about the same amount of down time.

- The rest of the map some times gets used here and there, but almost always it's a large force stomping on practically no defenders when those areas are used.

Why does this happen, every day? The answer is very simple:

We do not have enough players on any side to make it logistically possible for one side to make, hold, and progress a front line against the other two factions. Thus, it's impossible to lock Indar, unless one side chooses to give up entirely. Note that I am referring to 5pm - 12am PST (server time) here, 7 days a week.

We need more people on Connery.

Ps. For the amount of people puttering around on them, Amerish and Esimir may as well not even be in the game.

Last edited by Tatwi; 2013-03-02 at 03:18 AM.
Tatwi is offline  
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