As I play in a smaller outfit we always recruit some other players to be stronger. Some of these randoms are in now way interested in teamwork or just misbehave totally. Surplus I miss some features of squad management. Here some proposals:
- Location display (continent and zone) of a player in the squad/playtoon view e.g. as mouseover or color tagged for a quick overview - Who sits again at the crown ignoring the orders?
- Permanent exclusion of a player of a squad/platoon (as long it exists or as option in the squad menu: don't allow before kicked or ignored players) or he just will join again per [insert]. I am not referring to set a squad to private, because others should still be able to join as they could be looking for teamplay
- Ignored players by the platoon leader shouldn't be able to join.
- Ignored 7 muted players shouldn't be hearable or activate ducking
- Keyboardshortcuts to (un)mute channels
- Easier volume management of the VoIP participants - where has the slider of the active speaking peple gone. This layer should be visible and active even when in map or respawn view
- The squad join view should show if a squad is part of an platoon and you should be able to show full squads should, too.
- Squad join view - please add an info on what continent the squad member are - pie chart on mouseover? Automatic adding of the continent to the squad name where most players are?
- Drag&drop players for PL in between squads
- Minimap in big battles. Beautifully colorful, but nothing recognisable. I am missing the zoomcycle of BF and some filtering options.
- Fiendlist and the until now non existant ignorelist please with date added and comment.
- Squadname preset text only - option s to check and display of the outfit tag of the SL. Own comment only as comment. Many randoms try to attract players other outfit tags they don't belong to. Not nice for the joining players expecting teamwork and/or friends.
- Cooperation with other outfits: Similar to friend requests, but activated through the outfit leaders. For the outfit members there should be then a new filter option in the squad search and one in the join options of a private squad. There are many smaller outfits which cannot gather enough members for internal platoons/squads - they would surely appreciate it
- Independent of the above mentioned cooperation it would be nice to be able to search for outfit tags in the squad search.
- Squad join per [Insert] to a squad on the same continent and if possible, near to the player.
- Outfit member list playse add: comment, officer comment, invited by and date - or at least some of it
- Please introduce divisions, e.g. tank division, specops. Naming of it should be up to the outfit, but an opportunity of grouping would be good. Outfit members could be assigned to none or more divisions. Filtering by division in the outfit member list would be great to mass invite them.
- Combination of cooperation and divisions: comprehensive divisions where - when cooperating members of different outfits could be in the same division.
That's it - expect more to come. If you've got similar ideas let me know please!