The head hit box seems too big, thus too easy to hit.
I have noticed that I get a significant amount of un-aimed headshot kills with my assault rifles, simply by shooting in the general area of the upper body. As a result, it seems as though we are being too easily rewarded with bonus damage or, more importantly, headshot kills aren't really content gear toward more skilled players (which I do not consider myself to be). Even with the sniper rifle I can be awfuly sloppy and still get the one hit kill.
It would be interesting to see how big the head hit box is. I also wonder how the game would play with the head hit damage bonus acting more like a two level archery target, with a much smaller center giving the current bonus and the outer part acting like a normal hit. That would make getting a "headshot" either a more skillful or a more special event, which may end up feeling more rewarding to both average and excellent players alike.