Originally Posted by basti
SCUs need to be removed, thats the fix.
Remove them, replace them with generators powering the pain field and shields of spawn rooms.
Make Spawn tubes killable. Add tunnels as ways to get to the SCU to prevent them from being destroyed.
This is the best solution. Let defenders have their spawn shields to lessen the chance of getting camped by vehicles when the base is still in contention, but when they are beaten, don't let them just sit in the spawn room and camp. It's just dumb.
It's like SOE totally misunderstood what players were going to do when the SCU gets destroyed. They expect players to rush out and give one last-ditch effort to possibly resecure their base. That's not what they do at all. With only one life, they choose to camp from the spawn for cheap kills. Everybody knows the base is lost once the SCU down; I've never seen defenders resecure at that point without a Gal drop or a sneak Sunderer.