It's not fun to be VS on Waterson.
Straight up, not fun. We either fight on Indar accomplishing nothing, ghost cap Amerish, or get steam rolled on Esamir. The highest pop we've had on Esamir/Amerish this week is 28%.
We don't get the choice to fight on Amerish or Esamir but maybe once a week, because for whatever reason all the bads in the game run to Indar. We don't have high enough world population to ever have more than one continent capped population.
I've played a lot the past few days and it's really been awful. We have no choice but Indar, because you cannot convince scrubs to leave Indar. Anyone have a good way to solve this?
Personally, we need a big zergfit to join VS on Waterson. It would help the server a ton because right now the VS are only on Indar and it's fucking awful for all sides because of it.