What is it going to take to push Planetside 2 over the top
I like PS2 and think it has a very bright future. But right now I see that the pops are starting to slip again. So i was wondering what it would take to make this game the total shit. So I had a couple of ideas.
Bring back the BFR. Now before you go and pitchfork me for bringing this up the new BFR would basically be just as powerful as a prowler is right now. But what I was thinking is it would have 2 gunners and a driver.
Lattice of course.
More continents with a continental conquest meta.
The BASTION. This is kind of a gameplay hook Ive been looking forward to. Now I dont really care for the design that has been shown to us. I would like these flying outfit carriers to be more along the lines of old fashioned naval warfare. A row of powerful but extremely short ranged av guns on the sides. Add a couple of aa guns interspersed with these and you have naval warfare along with ship boarding at 1000 meters in the sky.
These are just a few big suggestions and Im wanting to see what you guys think can be added to really push Planetside 2 over the top.
Last edited by Sledgecrushr; 2013-03-28 at 01:22 PM.
Reason: Spelling errors