I got blacked out, completely banned for my small Tk Video?
Damn I didn't know this was serious business.
So I made a Tking video for fun showing the Phoenix killing NC...I saw that my account got suspended, seem fine, I mean I did tk around 25 people with phoenix at most I believe, didn't keep count.
Today However I can't even go to Planetside 2.com, or SOE.com.
I didn't even get an Email saying I am banned or anything, if I am banned.
Now I know this forum has a policy of not discussing mods or anything of PS2 forums....
I am not here to do that,just wondering what do I do now....I have no idea how to contact them since Im blacked out?
As you can see by my signature I actually played this game seriously most of the time...I rarely even tk....I see bad tank drivers tk way more then I did in the video.
I was following this game since it was called Planetside next, sucks that I get completely banned for a video.
I won't post the video here because, it might not be welcomed, not sure.