Originally Posted by Maarvy
They droped Indar to pull people to esamir , then 15 mins later decided that was too populated and left for a empty amerish . Meanwhile calling the faction to go there via the orders channel while patting there selfs on the back and atempting to belitle anyone who didnt follow them in leader chat .
Im all for tactics if they went there to pull enemys and help the other continents they certainly didnt need to call in the faction to do it on a continent that was barely deffended it was just lame .
My Sun tzu comments are probably some of the most constructive that any online guild/outfit leader will ever read , that crap has little place in video games .
Which outfit are you currently talking about? As far as I know all outfits moved together to Amerish in order to take down their cont lock, which would then draw their forces away from the other conts, which in turn leads to bigger chance of other conts. Or did you not notice everyone moving to Esamir after Amerish?