Originally Posted by almalino
Thank you for your opinion. I actually mentionied that vehicle could be spawned only by platoon leader with biggest platoon on the continent who applied for the vehicle. Assuming he will request platoon members to populate the vehicle.
So you're saying it's for zergfits only, which means you'll encourage random outfits to start to vie for being the biggest outfit around, causing outfit recruitment spam over quality recruitment and denying non-zergfits a chance to operate equipment in game? >_>
Can you imagine it would make smaller outfits less appealing, because they would not get access to the super-units? It's hard enough already to compete with larger outfits that can run more consistently large groups, as people soon realise running a single squad or less is often pointless to even try. You'd make that effect worse by adding extra incentives to joining an already big outfit.