Originally Posted by Gatekeeper
I use NV sights a lot these days, and I pretty much never play as an Infiltrator - and I've got to say that I have no problem at all with the NV scope not showing them. The NV scope is already very, very useful - being unable to see Infiltrators is a perfectly reasonable (and interesting) downside.
Here's a tip for those whining: if you think there's a cloaker around - stop staring down your scope and look around for them without it. Is that too hard for you?
It's not that infiltrators would be overpowered when using the sight. They are usually still as stupid as they would be if hsnv could see them. They just run straight at you and then you shoot them down from the hip. Nobody looks through hsnv all the time. Most of the time you aren't. It's just that there's no reason to not see them through it. Every other scope can see them and they do not have any drawbacks.