After firing the old Falcon 87,000 times I sincerely hope the new changes to the AV MAX gives you the option to go back to what we had.
•NC NCM2 Falcon
◦Reload: 2.5 seconds changed to 2.4 seconds
(10th of a second, a lot if you are running the 100m but reloading a MAX is nothing)
◦Max Projectile Velocity: 80 changed to 100
( Feels like 10 not 100)
◦Projectile Gravity: 1.5 changed to 0.5
(probably the only buff the Falcon got)
◦Direct Damage: 750 changed to 675
(could understand this if it didnt feel so slow and didnt fire giant orbs aka VS oh and in game its says 700)
The new changes to the AV MAX will predictably be to encourage you to spend more cash on something new (new meaning they took it away in the first place).
We also intend on adding indirect fire/grenade launcher options for the MAX
Here's a novel idea, be creative and add some cert options to the damn things and allow attachements?
They currently only allow Camo as an option.
How hard would it be to make an Optic, Barrel, Rail and Ammo option for the Falcon?
Or does that not fill the coffers so its not a viable path to take?