Would like to try, but how?
Hello everyone. I come here because I am absolutely hooked into PS2. Clocked over 400 hours in the game, ever since I joined in Beta. I was first made aware of it by a friend who played Planetside, and we played together for some time...
but then, he left, but not before filling my head with so many stories about the first one you would not believe.
So I've been looking around, videos, stories, screens... and holy hell why did I not know that game existed
So yes, I would in fact like to try it out. There's noone playing? Who cares, even if it's just me and my friend, I'd still want to check it out. I'm sure I can convince some of my PS2 friends to come check it as well
...That being said, I am absolutely unable to figure how to. I have the launcher, and as expected, it's telling me I need a subscription. And that's ok.. but how would I do that? There's no mention of it in the SOE website, nor in account management, and the PS website is more of a showcase than anything else. I've even tried downloading the trial... but ends with a 404 error every time
Any help?