Originally Posted by p0intman
hey rumble, if chip closes this PM me. I've got space available on my site if you want to actually out hackers as a public service to the community. I also give no fucks.
Players are usually wrong about hackers. They're just convinced they're the best ever and there's no way someone out there is better than them.
I believe this point has been illustrated multiple times on this site since the release of PS2, in which players have blatantly called out players for being hackers and as it turned out they were not hacking. Luckily the moderators removed the complaints, and/or banned the criers, because this kind of shit shouldn't be on this site of all places.
I completely agree with Basti that the best thing people can do for the future of PS2 is to not blow a very small issue in the game out of proportion by screaming out the name/software of the hackers. APB was completely ruined by the community that played the game, not the hackers that abused it.
The only people who have a legitimate way of detecting who is hacking or not is SoE, and they should be the only ones who rat players out and/or discuss the hacking, hackers, or the hacking software. If you're spending your free time visiting hacking websites so you can feel that you're better at detecting hackers by your encounters in the game, then you're wasting your time and our time by discussing this.