Re: What class/vehicle do you have the most certs in, and why?
Medic - Best score per hour IMO. I've by now spread out into most other classes but my medic is nearly complete cert-wise, because its a great class to farm certs with. Just find a Bio-Lab defense, get a shotgun, and rez people. Record breaking (for me) score per hour potential.
Reaver - I got into the ESF game pretty late, and I feel that I need it fully certed out to even have a chance to compete with the other fliers. I've even certed a lot of things I never use (like dogfighting frame and ejection seat) so that I'll have it on the day I need it, or they buff it into usefulness. I probably put 5000 certs into the Reaver before flying it for the third time, just because the first two times I seemed so out-flown and then had such a long wait for a respawn, it was just unacceptable.
By the way, the double XP weekends are great for those 1000 point certs that suck saving up for, but you feel you need to get.
I wish I didn't put certs into lolpods. I hate lolpodders. I put certs into it because I assumed that's what I'd be doing in the air, back when I was putting all those certs into the ESF before flying it for the third time. But very rarely go air to ground, and when I do I use the Air Hammer. I actively try to destroy enemy lolpodders because I hate them (the game would be much better nerfing the hell out of them), so I would feel dirty becoming one of them.
I don't keep certs in reserve. I still have a lot of things to get. I just now got max C4/mines/grenades etc for all my classes. Just now getting flak 4, let alone flak 5 for all my classes (it maxes out at 5 right? On my medic I use nanoweave.) About the OP's BR 34 friend, I noticed that to go from BR 99 to BR 100 takes as much XP as going from BR 1 to BR 34.
I just passed the half way point XP-wise to getting BR 100, and I'm at 80. BR 100 is just a ridiculous amount of playing for those of us that never bothered to Lib farm while it was good. I imagine when I've gotten max flak armor for all my classes and completed the Reaver, then I'll start certing the Galaxy while keeping a reserve for whatever they release next that I'll want to get ASAP. But until then I think that a cert not spent is a cert not helping me.
Last edited by Boildown; 2013-05-28 at 02:40 PM.