How to fix the TR mini-chaingun (and the other HA weapons) - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2013-06-10, 02:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
How to fix the TR mini-chaingun (and the other HA weapons)

So apparently our iconic weapon can't be made underslung because then you couldn't shoot it from cover. Additionally, the low DPS and spoolup time make it a difficult weapon to use. All of which results in a dorky-looking weapon that hardly anyone uses, even indoors.

The solution? Introduce a cert to *make* it underslung. The description should tell you quite plainly that this weapon is for suppressive fire, and cannot be used from behind cover -- full stop. Concurrent with this, increase the spoolup time *and* the DPS by anywhere from 25% to 50%. Whenever you pop out into the open and blaze away like the Terminator, you'll hafta coordinate your appearance with the spoolup time.... and possibly have a friendly medic behind you.

You want to lay down more dakka? and look awesome into the bargain? Groovy. But there's a price to pay. If you don't feel like paying it, un-equip your MCG Underslung Turbocharger Of Destruction or whatever they wind up calling it. The model already exists, and presumably so does the animation. Use it.

Now, the Jackhammer... Being pretty much a one-empire guy, I have no experience with the new Jackhammer. But I've been shot by it plenty of times, and it's almost disappointing. It should be the deadliest weapon in the game at punch-you-in-the-face ranges. It isn't. Also, as I heard a bemused NC /yell last night, it looks almost identical to the old Sweeper.

How do we fix all this without imposing a new workload on an already hard-pressed dev team..? Introduce the ability to cert an additional barrel in over-under configuration, kind of like the old TR Cycler. If you want to, you can torch them off at the same time -- BA-BOOM!11!11! -- and do double damage. But your COF is going to go to hell and gone when you do, so you better be at fistfighting range. That'll give you the extra punch without requiring any additional animation, and without altering the model too much.

The Lasher ought to get something similar to amp it up -- a supercharger that slows the ROF but gives you ample splash damage, perhaps. That would bring back the Disco Ball Of Death that we all know and hate. Fair's fair.

Comments? Additional ideas? These are our iconic weapons, and they're lost in a galaxy of more effective smallarms for almost every role, to the point that we hardly ever see them anymore. I think the solution is to have optional extras to jazz them up. Sony can't object to yet more stuff for people to spend Smedbucks on, can they...?
No XP for capping empty bases -- end the ghost-zerg! 12-hour cooldown timers on empire swaps -- death to the 4th Empire!

Last edited by Rivenshield; 2013-06-10 at 03:04 PM.
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