Originally Posted by Whiteagle
Finally Palerion, the Heavy's primary team role is actually Anti-Vehicular/Cheap Bullet Sponge, it's just that the Engineer was given an Anti Tank Turret to make up for the piss poor Combat Engineering they gave it.
And apparently anti-infantry. I've never seen a heavy act as a bullet sponge necessarily for his teammates, and if a heavy ever uses his shield, it's always when he sees an enemy, so that he can have the upper hand. I'm just saying, if the heavy's role is, as you are basically saying: anti-vehicle, anti-infantry, and tank, something seems wrong. I wouldn't call it the "backbone" of infantry fights. I would call it the glory hog of infantry fights.
Yes many planetside players seem fine with this, and I really don't understand why, but I'm sure I'm not the only one with this view. Now, based on what ghoest said on the thread about merging LA and inf, I can only imagine I'll get the same "all who disagree are wrong" treatment. You could argue that Light Assault is the Heavy Assault's more mobile and tactical counterpart, but its weaponry does not support that assessment. Regardless of this rhetoric of how the other classes are supposed to be team players for heavy assaults, it's all hogwash.
A class that excels in taking out vehicles, killing infantry, and "absorbing damage",
and can heal itself at any moment, is the very Call Of Duty supersoldier that we are talking about. It has a tool for every situation and can lone wolf it and, quite frankly, doesn't need the other classes. Sure, a medic is always a nice addition, but the class gets along
too good without the help of his team. Maybe if his shield was less effective and covered his nearby teammates it would be another story, but that's just not the case. It's currently designed as a self-centered, do-everything supersoldier.