Originally Posted by maradine
It's not necessarily about whether you can hold out against superior numbers - it's about how long you can hold, and how many they send to push you off. If you can take a squad of 12 and force twice that many root you out for 10 minutes, you've created a 12-man, 10-minute window somewhere else. If you have 4 squads doing that, you've created a full platoon-sized hole in an important fight.
Maybe you don't have the coordination into your faction's command structure to capitalize on that gap - we certainly don't. But we still work to make those opportunities for others. Reasonably certain you could call that strategy.
Punching above your squad's weight is one of PS2's great pleasures.
THIS^ This is what ODAM is all about. Yes we recognize that one squad is not going to hold snake ravine against a dedicated zerg. BUT if we can set 1 squad there and delay the zerg for 10 minutes, while 3 squads cap the biolab Hydroponix (or whatever its called). Then we can all attack back downhill in force to push the zerg off.
You will never stop a force of superior numbers from taking a place if they are truly dedicated. You can delay them or if you are lucky, make them change their mind and waddle off in another direction.
I can't tell you how many alerts we have won by using this blocking strategy. But I can tell you to look up the stats for how long TR has owned Indar on Watterson.