Originally Posted by ChipMHazard
Indeed. I'm sure that it will be able to support more than 96 players (Design wise), although I obviously have no idea if that's true or not. I don't know just how many players it would be able to support before just becoming a huge cluster fuck.
From listening to the stream it's 48v48, on the live servers as well. They don't know how they're going to implement it on live yet, but the only thing they have said is that there will be a cert pool for everyone on Nexus to build their characters. Which sounds to me that as of now it's that intention for the live servers as well, especially considering that the Nexus on live is used for determining ranking of outfits. You wouldn't have a ladder with BR100 outfit playing against a BR20 outfit to determine their ranking for a ladder with equal BR outfits playing against each other, it wouldn't make sense from a math point or competitive point.