The battle islands should function like the caves from Core Combat
Everyone thinks Core Combat sucked, but I disagree. I think Core Combat came up with quite a few novel and great ideas that fit in really well to PS1's metagame. The rotating time based geowarps added an interesting layer of complexity to the lattice. The Cave Mods gave you a reason to defend and fortify bases. Ancient Tech links were awesome and added a bit more strategy in selecting bases to attack.
The caves sucked though. The zip lines were confusing and the base layouts didn't help.
So, why not take the good from Core Combat (time based geowarps and mods) and use the Battle Islands as a place for those objectives. Create smaller controllable warpgates that anyone can use, put them on an 8 hour timer, and link them to bases on the main continents.
This creates small scale combat that has an influence on the larger overworld game, secondary objectives (cave mods and a CTF like mechanic to go with it), and a use for these MLG islands that don't just take people away from the foreverwar