Originally Posted by Dragonskin
Of course they are in outfits and outfits are pretty key for free players. Any free players reading this... find a big outfit that does combined operations and you won't have as big of an issue with personal resources. Outfits all tend ask who wants to pull air, vehicles or maxes so that free players don't feel obiligated to use resources they don't want to. More often than not it's the paying players like myself that freely pull what our outfit needs because we know we can get the resources back quickly. Vehicles tend to run in 2 person teams so that both players pool their resources to keep a vehicle out on the field. ESF and Lighting users are more on their own.. since those are 1 person vehicles.
To add to this, you can get away with not using too many resources to travel by simply using the 'Redeployment' and 'Instant Action' options on the map. I use them a lot, even when I'm in a squad or have a bunch of resources to use. Squad Beacon is good to use as well if in a squad. If you use all the options available to you to get around then you shouldn't have many problems with resources when you do want to pull something to get somewhere you need to be. Use the Flash the most if you have to get somewhere quickly.