Are alerts a big rigged?
So lately after the 3rd indar biolab alert the NC won, the 2nd indar Tech plant alert the TR won, and the 5th Amp station alert that the VS won (yay VS!!); I beginning to wonder if the indar alerts are bit slanted toward in game events.
I think it a bit too rigged. Rigged toward local events happening in the game.
Unlike other continents their is always a battle on Indar, so continent population probably does not have a big effect on alerts on Indar. Recently all the big alerts have happened just after a tech plant, amp station, or biolab was taken by the VS, TR, or NC. It is especially seem to be triggered when at least two of the different factions have conquers a different major base at the same time.
It feels like its got to the point were its too predictable. I had VS friends tell me in squad chat that its either going to be a _____ indar alert or _____ indar alert and be 9 times out of ten correct.
Does anyone else feel like alerts are bit predicatable. Not in outcome of who wins, but in at least what type of alert is comming?
So what do you guys think?
Last edited by HelpLuperza; 2013-09-06 at 03:02 AM.
Reason: This is actually supposed to be mostly open question discussion, but the title of the thread did not come out right.