Community Relations
All servers will come down for maintenance at 6:00 AM PDT (3:00 PM CEST) for a hotfix.
Downtime Start: 6 AM
Downtime ETA: 90 minutes
Players can expect the following changes:
Patch Notes
Warpgate rotation
Bug Fixes
Fix for instant action taking players to unpopulated facilities
Fix for flares occasionally not breaking lock-on
Soft point ammunition no longer unequips after logout when equipped on the following weapons: AF-4G Cyclone, SMG-46G Armistice, Eridani SX5G
Bad spawn point at Zurvan Auxiliary removed
XP should be correctly awarded to players deploying mines instead of the player detonating/shooting the mine
ESF Lumifiber Trim
Now available in new colors.
Chrome ESF Fins
Because everything is better in chrome.
Coming Soon in Depot
Harasser Bumpers
Five bumpers available in original, gold, chrome and pink flavor.
Sunderer Lights
If you’ve ever lost your Sunderer somewhere in the dark, these lights are for you. Batteries included.
Sunderer Grills
You are unique and special, and so is your Sunderer. At least, it is with one of these new grills.
The VS got the best WG on Amerish and Esamir, NC got the North on Indar. Let's see how the WDS plays out now.