I have a Lenovo T520 that I bought a little over a year ago and wasn't playing any MMO games at that time. So, when deciding on which components I wanted, I opted to save money by getting the weaker processor, less ram, etc. So now that I am playing PS2, I can really see where my components are lacking for gaming (I play on the "Very Low" preset and get around 25 frames per second). My question is: can I add stuff to this laptop (mostly a new video card and maybe a better processor) and expect decent results? I know I am not going to play on ultra settings and get 120 frames per second. But, would it be possible to play on medium and get 60 frames per second? What components would you recommend?
I plan on building a gaming desktop PC in the near future (within a year certainly) with high quality components, but until then I would very much like to be able to play PS2 with a little bit higher quality settings and frame rate then I am currently getting. I do not have a couple thousand to spend on building the nice gaming desktop of my dreams so I am hoping that a couple hundred on a few components (and installation, cause I don't know anything about working on computers...yet) would do my laptop some good.
Thank you for all correspondence!