Has there been news of a buff for NC MAX?
Not played in a while and was just wondering if there any news on a buff for the NC MAX yet? Last time I played it was almost completely useless and somebody on this forum has done test of all the MAX guns which ranked the NC MAXs guns at the bottom at every range except 2 guns I think they did best at 0m (and thats not using the skills the TR and VS MAX gets to boost damage).
And please can we not have the same old *but if you sneak up behind me in a NC MAX you can 1 shot me!* as that is hardly a reliable MAX strategy. Oh and don't try the *what about in biolabs* as even the range in a biolab is generally longer than a NC MAXs guns will allow and of course its hardly fair that the NC MAX guns excell in 1% of the places fights are while the TR and VS MAX have guns to excel in the other 99% of places fights are.