The goal of MLG420NOSCOPEZ is to create a community of skilled, motivated and... entertaining individuals in order to achieve the best possible gaming experience Planetside 2 has to offer. I'm not going to sit and write a bunch of bullshit about 1337 tactics and how we roleplay with fucking red armor on webcams or any of that shit, but I will tell you that I want your time in Planetside 2 to be about winning, dominating shitters and having a fun time doing it.
Whether you're brand new to the game and just sinking your teeth into it or if you're a BR 100 geek nerd who hasn't left his computer chair in the last 16 hours to even piss or get food/water, we want to provide an environment for your to play/learn/grow/dominate and enjoy doing it.
If you're playing with us and do dumb ass shit, expect to be made fun of. Expect to be called out for lacking communication or not doing your job right. At the same time, expect to be respected and praised for your successes.
I ask that as a potential outfit member that you:
1: Know/learn your job/roles on the battlefield
2: DO your job/role on the battlefield WELL
3: Adhere to the chain of command implemented by the Officers and Leaders appointed above you
4: Have fun and don't take yourself too seriously
5: Have patience. We're starting this outfit from the ground up and need YOUR HELP to get things rolling.
I appreciate your interest and look forward to farming kids with you on the battlefield.