How to improve the new player experience
There has been a lot of talk lately about how to improve the new player experience for PlanetSide 2, but I have heard very few ideas on how to improve it. We know the devs listen to the player base for the game so lets help them and give them some constructive ways to improve this. This can be something highly detailed or something as simple as hey I played this game and the way they taught new players how to play was awesome. I don't want this to be a doom and gloom post about how this game is losing players or new players struggle to learn how to play. I also understand putting out new content helps us veteran players get excited, but SOE can't cater to just it's current player base. Like any sucessful game it has to grow and has to retain it's players. As we all know OMFG slowed new content down but now they are back on schedule and I for one would be willing to wait a bit longer for some new content for more people to enjoy this awesome game with.