Downtime Start: 6 AM PT (3 PM CET) *Time Zone Converter
Downtime ETA: 90 Minutes
Known Issues:
- We are not performing our cert reimbursement for lost membership bonuses with this update and will definitely be doing it for next week’s update. Unfortunately, we need to postpone this in order to work around our issue with character loading that occurs on patch days.
- The patch day character load issue should be resolved before next week’s update but shouldn’t happen in this week’s update due to the above workaround.
- We’re still working on a fix for a server crash that happens occasionally
- New Sunderer cosmetics available in the Depot
- Galaxy cosmetics are available in the Depot
- New Player Studio items released every week!
- Optimization pass for Liberator and its attachments (texture reduction pass)
- Optimization pass for Lightning and its attachments
Vivox Voice Chat Upgrade:
- Improved audio quality
- Reduced CPU usage on client
- Reduced audio latency
Bug Fixes:
- Healing and Repairing Service Ribbons should now function again
- Fixed a client crash that would occur when closing a Twitch stream
- Fixed an issue that could cause blank member and daily sales
- Fixed an issue where the Prowler appears to be firing three rounds at range, but is only firing one
- Fixed M20 Basilisk-F not animating when firing.
- Fixed an issue with faction colors not showing up on vehicles at long range
- Fix for overlapping turrets at Freyr