Posting this on a few forums, not to spam, but to get the word out.
Well i got my latest issue of Computer Gaming World (CGW) this month, boy i love getting free magazines. Anyway, i flip through it really quickly just as i get it, and what catches my eye, but a Vanu male. Was quite surprised to see it, then i flip around to see an ad for each of the new empire specific websites (but let it be known, The Vanu's ad IS the best
). Well, a few pages back was an entire 2 page Preview of PS itself. First thing i saw was a screenshot labeled "A squadron of Vanu mosquitos prepares to attack." which has a masquito in the middle, and what looks to be two extremely nice looking reavers on each side of it. Theres another screen of a NC guy standing in front of a vehicle (possibly the APC, i haven't seen it for a while) with a ton of bullet holes in it, very cool. Two seperate screens of a group of TR and NC guys, about to go into combat.
The preview itself wasn't bad either, had two quotes from devs, Kevin McCann and Dave G himself. They go through the aspects of why someone would pay the sub to play a first person shooter. They made a hint on the game being $15 dollars a month. One thing i didn't like to see though, was that the (estimated, of course) release date is now Q2 2003.
Go pick it up if you haven't already! It's the January 2003 issue of Computer Gaming World, with a Tron 2.0 front cover.