Status: In Progress
Thanks for all the feedback. Here's the plan for the Liberator Update.
- Add crew experience. All passengers in vehicle get exp when someone gets a kill and possibly kill assist
- Add ammo display on the seat diagram to know how much ammo each gunner has
- Looking into adding a vehicle only voice channel
- Certification Adjustments
- Increase power of stealth
- Increase power of afterburner
- Add tank shells to composite armor resist
- Increase Racer performance speed bonus
- Nose Guns
- Improvement pass on Vektor
- New: High velocity Vektor. More effective against air and fast moving targets.
- Belly Guns
- Dead zone improvements: Work to decrease the size of the dead zone
- Zepher: Small increase to direct hit damage
- Dalton: Reduction in splash damage
- New Empire Specific Belly Guns
- VS: Large magazine weapon shooting explosive rounds or orbs. RPM increases after each shot until forced to reload or trigger is let go.
- NC: TV Guided missile
- TR: Zepher variant that has a larger magazine and higher RPM, but does less damage each shot. Each shot increases cone of fire, allowing it to spray a large area with shells from range.
- Tail Guns
- Improvement pass on Walker and Drake
- Adjustments to try and give tail gun more firing angles
- New: AA tail gun. Heat seeking missile launcher, similar to Coyote missiles in functionality.
- Pass on ammo capacities
- Ammo capacities for most weapons (even beyond the scope of Liberator) are being adjusted to even them out based on killing potential
rage/rejoice. plenty to discuss.