Are there plans to remove snipers?
I know a lot of people will whine about it but lets face it snipers are just ridiculous, about 50%+ of my deaths are to snipers and it seems all I ever see are infiltrators. And no its not from standing still 1 shot from a sniper is half your hp (well just over) so its VERY easy for the swarms of them to kill you without needing head shots (thats not to say I'm not constantly being head shot while sprinting).
I understand they wanted to appeal to CoD players but snipers in such a huge open game are insane, they can completely encircle you with ease and not only kill people from complete safety but then even when you find them they stealth away so its basically pointless to even try and kill them.
Theres a lot of things that annoy me in PS2 like libs being gods and stealth in general but snipers are the worst, at least a god awful lib pilot can be scared off by a skyguard (good ones just kill you in about 1 second with a shredder) a bad sniper is out of any danger and just spams shots meaning even if they don't get kills somehow they put tons of people under half hp meaning they need to stay in cover to heal (where they then get sniped by another army of snipers).