Originally Posted by KingFeraligatr
Ignoring all the false accusations against me, I'm also open to testing things. I don't play everyday and I'm far from BR 40, CR 5; but I think my massive amount of alts and my main of BR 27, CR 3 will be able to get a lot of things tested. I just need t figure out how to send the data to you. Also, there's the problem we can't easily test the Cave weapons and vehicles and BFRs easily due to Core Combat not working (thr most reasonable theory I heard is that we are on perma-trial accounts, so that's why it doesn't work.). This also prevents the testing of other Cave related things.
You don't have to be top ranked. I was just wanted to get some of the cooler CR5 features, but that only has to be done once.
I wouldn't worry about capturing all of the weapons as Logit seems to be working on that. Maybe do some more exotic things in the list above.
Don't worry about sending the data to me just yet. I'll make an online submission when I get the chance.