Originally posted by Led
I actually prefer the look of the NC armor. The goggles on TC do not look that great to me, and the Vanu armor just rubs me the wrong way. I just like the general futuristic look of the NC armor, call me geek
I disagree.
Plus the weaponry appeals to me. I love using shotguns in online games, nothing beets the feeling of wasting a l33t sniper with a hail of buckshot from two feet . The high power, fewer shot philosophy also fits well with my playstyle, I tend to pick my shots more than spray and pray.
I agree!
People say the goggles look "gay" but WTF is wrong with you guys? The goggles are thousands of times better than yet another visor wearing empire.
I simply cannot believe that people agree with me on the NC. I don't like their armor style one bit. The colors are
but the models are
The Vanu just look leet. Hands down. I never argued that.
Of course, that is what makes the world go' round: opinions! So we can argue until PS comes out if we want to, but we won't change each other's opinions. That is why I say...