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Old 2003-06-14, 10:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar
Talking First try

Ok guys bear with me here, ive only done fantasy stuff before this (demons knights and the what not). Never done anyhting modern or Sci Fi. I am giving permision to flame to an extent. If it sux plz tell me. And with out furter stalling i will start the story. Um uhhh i think i ll just stall for a few more seconds...................... Ok im good.
(Ps someone give me an idea for a god damn name for my characters i cant think of shite)

Air Captain Jack Maslow awoke to the sound of his alarm clock radio. Its consistant blaring continued for about ten seconds before he through the small device into the wall shattering it into three pieces. He sat up and steped into his autowash unit only to be greeted by the same freezing cold water. At least it woke him up fast he thougth to himself. But then he regreted waking up so fast, the rusult of his binge drinking with his friends hit him like the sac of proverbial bricks.

"Ah damn it I really should stop doing this." he moaned "Its sort of getting old."

A female computer voice chattered in.

"Indeed Air Captain, one more incident of drunken disorderlyness and I will be forced to report you to the base commander." It squaked in a pretty voice.

"Bull!" He yelled back. "You know as well as I do that you wouldnt do that Im the last experienced pilot on this whole damn continet. Speaking of with how about a breifing on this mornings mission?"

"Yes sir." The voice crackled back.

Jack thought to himself how briliant it was for him to change the computers voice, too bad it still gave him the same bullshit everymorning. A small projector decended out of the ceiling and shined a light on the wall. An image of the continent of Ceryshen. It showed a line spliting the continet in half between a huge section of blue and a huge section of red. The captain noticed the Red had grown slightly closer to his position since the last time he looked at the map. The view zoomed in to show the South Tarqaq Air Tower which was his present location. A blue line with a small picture of two Skeeters two Reavers and two liberators leaving the small out post stoping at the main Tarqaq Bio Lab and continue north east.

"So whats our target?" He asked the wall.

The screen moved north even further and stoped on a large facility with a huge red circle around it which touched other circles of red.

"This is the..." The computer started to say but was interupted by the Captain who was now sitting on his bed putting on his agile armor flight suit.

"The Akna Amp Station I know." He said.

"The Amp station is now being sieged by our forces, your mission is to destroy its generator before 1100 when an ANT is supposed to arive. Your secondary objective is to eliminate this ANT. If it arives the Amp station can refill its silo and repair the generator." The computer continued on and on about weapon loads and fuel distribution but the captain was already gone.

More tomarow morning ive got more... pressing matters to deal with.
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Old 2003-06-15, 12:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Second Lieutenant
Sando138's Avatar

looks good so far!
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Old 2003-06-15, 11:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

Hey kewl thnx for the good word. At least someone is reading it. I woulda continued but a good friend of mine came online and we do a roleplaying type deal to write stories. Its pretty fun but its all fantasy. So Really people I need a name for the main characters and others. Im presently using normal names from our wourld as they are the best ive got. So shoot em out best name wins!

The door opened with its regular swoosh noise and the same gust of cold air hit the Air Captain in the face. He walked up to his reaver and took a look around for any external abnormalties. He came up the the left side of the aircraft were the same old kid stood there smileing at him with frozen snot running out of his knose.

"Hey kid, how ya doing, more importantly hows my baby?" Jack asked him as he gave the aircraft a swift kick.

"Very good and perfect sir." He crackled back, it wasnt sharp like when they got out of the acadamy it was the same as Jack himself, tired and weary. "Ahhh sir?"

"No!" Jack yelled back at the 15 year old.

"Aw come on sir please tell me!" He wined back.

"I said NO! If I tell one person what I did with this thing then they will tell someone else and eventualy the enemy will hear and then blam my advantage in the air is gone!" He nearly screamed this at the kid. "Now listen up I want you to salvage the last 4 bombs from Lib - 5 and strap them onto my wing tips with a nano dispenser. Then run a small charge on a wire up to the cock pit for each one, got it?"

"Yes sir!" He yelled with a snap salute.

"Ill be back in 30." He said as he walked back into the tower. He walked up to a weapons dispencer on the wall and pressed a few buttons. Out poped a Nano dispencer, a bolt driver with ammo, and a Mag Scatter. He walked back out side and looked around, the kid was gone, probably off on the other platform striping lib -5. He walked up to his reaver and cramed the nano dispenser and its batterys inside the trunk he took out the extra 20mm ammo and put it in the other reaver. He walked back into the tower and got an extra load of rockets and loaded them into his reaver. Back inside he went and stood up in the briefing room on the second floor. 9 people walked in. 5 were pilots 2 were gunners and the last 2 were the bombadiers, all of which were holding their heads and moaning. "Morning guys." Jack droned to them. " everyone get their mission brief?

"Yea." They droned back. But then one of hte mosquito pilots asked a question, he was the only one not holding his head and he looked very crisp "Ahhh sir, I herd that the guy before me bit it from a platoon of TR MAX Bursters, is that true? How can we face off against 30 of them?"

"Well ...?" He asked back

"Sergent Fox Wellman, SIR!" He yelled back.

The captain rolled his eyes at this and continued. "Well the Bursters are all rather foolish all of them like to hide in one titely packed group, so as the liberator pilots already know its the liberators who will be taking them out, Im gonna fly distraction while the other 2 mosquitos cover the bombers and the other reaver covers me."

"Sir, then whats going to take out the generator, Sir?" He asked back in a very winey sort of way.

"That will be my job, the present platoons position is lined up with the main door. I have a man waiting to hack that door. He hacks it and I fly right under the arch way and drop my payload strait down their throuts." He said with a devilish smile.

"What payload sir? Reavers only carry rockets!" He almost yelled this back at him.

"Not mine, so shut your mouth." The Captain DID yell this back at him.

"But sir what about manuvera...." He protested.

"I said shut up sergent!" he screamed.

The green kid sat back down and clamed up. The whole room was looking at him strangly.

"Come on lets go team." The captain said as he walked out of the door. The entire room stood up and followed his lead. Out side a storm front had moved up and the blizzard that raged was intense. "Perfect." The Air Captain wispered to him self. He took a look around at the four bombs mounted to the aircrafts wings and patted the snot knosed kid on the back. "Good work kid" He wispered to him. The men mounted their aircraft and took off. The snot nosed kid gave his CO a salute and watched him rocket off towards Tarqaq Bio Lab. The Captains reaver sudenly turned 180 degrees still going full throtle backwards and did a barel roll all with out changing the diretion he was traveling in and then stoped upside down looking back at the air tower and started to roll back on its Y axis until it was once again facing forward.

"Show off!" The boy screamed up at the captain.

Last edited by Peacemaker; 2003-06-15 at 11:19 AM.
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Old 2003-06-15, 07:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #4

kickass story 4 it being ur 1st time

^ made by Adun
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Old 2003-06-15, 08:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

thnx spread the word i want more ppl to read it
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Old 2003-06-15, 09:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

k part three coming right up.

The small craft was shaking violently. Bursts of deadly but invisible sharpnel filled the sky around the heavily smoking skeeter as it flew along. The pilot was bleeding heavily from his non exsistant right arm. The little aircraft had taken so many hits the color schem that covered the aircraft was gone. It only replaced by the black soot all over the body. A few minutes later a farmilar voice crackled onto his radio.

"Unidentified 2613, this is Tarqaq Bio Lab. Please identify, you have 5 seconds to comply before we openfire." A voice crackled through the radio.

The pilot fiddled with the radio and pressed the button to respond.

"Tarqaq, this is scout flight gama confirmation code Zulu Beta Charlie November." He yelled into the radio.

"Unidentified 2613 did not copy prepair to be fired upon." The voice came back.

He cursed the shit box that had once been a TR aircraft.

"Unidentified 2613 we are..... HOLD YOUR FIRE!" The voice that broke through was loud rough and commanding.

"Who is this?" The Tarqaq controler radioed to the new voice.

"Air Captain Jack Marslow! Now stand down!" He screamed. He could feel the lowly corpral sweating through the speaker.

"Sir I need confirmati..." He wined back.

"Fuck the confirmation Ill be landing any moment!" He yelled into his mike. The reaver came barelling in on full afterburner and did another 180 without really changing its pitch or yaw. and set down as light as a feather. The air captain burst in the door and looked at the radar set. It showed a faint signal flying up around the facility somewere in the storm.

"Fury U up there?" He yelled into the mike.

"Yea boss im here, dont worry about me, but your new bird is all messed up. Might wanna get a regeneration tube preped for me too. Lost an arm sir." The voice came back very weak.

"Its ok man you just set her down, Ill take care of the rest." He said back into the speaker box. By this time the rest of the Air Captains flight was down and inside the control tower watching the screens and looking out into the pre dawn storm.

"There he is!" Cried one of the Liberator gunners.

"Holy shit!" cried the air tower controler. "Its gonna be close!"

The skeeter aproached the landing platform and pancaked hard into the concrete surface, bounced once and set down. It hovered for a second and then its strained engines cut out and it fell to the ground. Sparks shot out from the top of the aircraft and rained down on the platform with more intensity than the blizzard.

"Turn on the weather shield!" The corpral screemed at a near by private.

The private ran over to the consol and pressed a few buttons. A dome of blue light apeared over the pad and the snow fall stoped inside the dome. Two medics ran out to the chared wreckage of the skeeter and draged the pilot known as Silent Fury out. Five minutes later he was sitting in a tube and his arm was being slowly rejuvinated.

"Well is he in?" Jack asked excitedly.

"Of course hes in! You think id get so banged up and not do what you told me?" He weakly yelled back.

"Good job now get some rest." He said back to him. The captain walked down the hallway. By this time the liberators were fully rearmed as they were supposed to be as flying to here to arm up saved a little fuel that the war effort desperatly needed. He walked outside and jumped into his aircraft, the rest of the squad following suit. They all lifted off and rocketed off towards the now rising sun.

Last edited by Peacemaker; 2003-06-15 at 09:32 PM.
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Old 2003-06-16, 11:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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w00t pr0ps to peacemaker w00t w00t
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Old 2003-06-18, 03:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

Wow. This sanctuary thing is getting alot of attention. MUST OVER COME I AM STRONGER. Part 4 coming right up! Yes boys and girls we got combat! Note: never met Shiver but I hope the outfit im making soon (FoE) and ND will become good allies in the fight for freedom!

Air Captain Jack Maslow stared down at the hulking reck on the ground that had once been an enemy mosquito. It was the 8th one so far and they were only half way to the Akna Amp Station. Up ahead and to the right was a lake and and a TR gun tower. He could see the enemy fighting his own troops on the ground. Several Prowler MBT's were shelling the friendly possitions and two vangaurds were returning the sporatic fire. Something was wrong.

"Live wire patch me through to New Dawn Command." He said into his radio.

"Roger that boss." Live wires squeeky voice came through with a burst of static.

"New Dawn command, whats your problem?" A womans voice came through. It sounded alot like a telemarketer woman from his days back on earth Jack thought to himself.

"Amber sweet heart I need to talk to him." he said sweetly into the mic.

"Awww hey Jack! Just a second I'll punch you in." She nearly squealed back.

"Shiver here whos this?" A thick British brouge came back.

"Peacemaker, look we got a problem here were the only FoE elements on the continet. I can see a few of your guys on the ground engaged to four Terrain MBT's. Ive also shot down 8 enemy aircraft. It looks like they are gearing up for something very big. Were on our way to hit the Amp station generator."

"Ok Peace I'll devert more men to the area." He said back rather calmly.

Jack clicked off the commander chat and radioed back to the formation as the first few puffs of black smoke and missles started to streek by.

"Ok boys! Lets get to work!" He said with a demonic tone.

The formation of aircraft broke apart. The mosquitos and Liberators climbed higher and higher and the two reavers dove. Jack looked back at the bombers and saw two enemy mosquitos on their tails.

"Libs check your ass!" He yelled. But before he even started Liberator 1's tail gunner opened up and scored multiple hits on the lead mosquito and trailed his burst into the other aircraft. The lead mosquito shuddered once and a large explosion came from the engine area, as it started to fall the pilot bailed out. Mosquito wouldnt let him run, it swooped down and cut him to pieces as he fell, and then rejoined the formation. The other enemy mosquito started to approach the amp station in the distance. Suddenly it was enveloped in a storm of flack. "Theres the bursters boys, reaver 2 fall back and watch the bombers, you guys just better not blink!"

He commanded into the radio. As soon as reaver two punched the after burners so did he rocketing accross the ground at 10 feet. He passed the newly shot down TR mosquito which had been mistaken for one of his own and jared to the left to miss a tree. He looked off into a tree line and felt a slight tingle at the base of his spine. He jinked to the left and suddenly there was a flash of light from the forest and 4 deadly puffs of smoke occupied the space he would have been in seconds before. He looked up and watched the bombers change course for the wood. Suddenly the entire woodline exploded as 120 seperate barels opened fire at the same time. Suddenly time slowed down for the Air captain. He could see the shells in front of him, he tapped the stick on the reaver and it spun into a roll twice as fast as the reaver could normaly do, but that was in slow time and from his eyes, in reality it was spining 40 times faster. He stoped the spin and ducked down a bit under the shells. AS he passed under them he tapped his burners and got clear of the blasts. Right behind that was another barage of deadly shells. He spun again and pulled up and to the right. The aircraft pulled up a bit dodged left and then he jabbed the stick back to the stop and he was down low again and again the afterburners lit for a split second. Another barage followed him and he saw an opening in the center of the barrage which was off to his right. He tapped his rudder and suddenly was right in the hole. A shell was still comingstrait at him, so he pulled back and left slightly putting the reaver into a spin with a whole in the center. The shell went right through as he passing through a storm ofshells that had a perfect swirl as if they were like a giant gun barels rifling. He got out of the massive barage hit his burners yet again only to see yet another coming at him, it would be the last he looked up above the forest for a second and saw 48 high explosive bombs about 10 feet above the ground. He pulled back on the stick as hard as he could and stood the reaver on its tail. The shells pasted right under him and he once again hit his burners to advoid the explosions. Suddenly the entire forrest errupted into a giant ball of flames. It looked as if a piece of hell its self had pushed up through the ground. All the captain could see were MAXs flying through the air, some missing arms, others legs. He looked strait up which was towards the AMP station because he was on his tail and saw the main gate opening. He flipped the reaver over and headed strait for the arch over the door. At about 50 feet out he jammed both rudder pedals down and the aircraft just moved down like it was walking down a flight of stairs. He passed under the arch lit his burners and was looking right at the generator. All around him he could see the bases defensive systems trying to aim inside the base. He hit the four switches all at once and once again stood the reaver on its ass. The bombs went strait into the generator and sat for a few seconds. As he climbed a missile followed him up. It got closer and closer so he simpled put his feet to the left of the rudder peddles gave them a kick to the right and the whole aircraft once again skidded right at an unusally high speed. The missle streaked by him and exploded. Several streams of bullets were streaming up at him and he was about to take a hit when the bombs exploded. The Generator shattered and its power core exploded in a gigantic mushroom cloud. The bases power drained the guns fell silent and the Air Captain rocketed back south.
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Old 2003-06-21, 02:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Lieutenant General
Onizuka's Avatar


suggestions: use more description, and a little less intensity, the story is moving a little fast and a lot is happening in a little time.

thats all i can think of..... keep it up
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Old 2003-06-25, 10:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

Thats how I usally write, but ill try your suggestion Onizuka. I think im making it go fast to show this is only one day. I plan on doing a few more battles.
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Old 2003-07-09, 07:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #11

Wow that was crazy! Great Action! Good story for your first try! Damn.....I wish I could fly like that :P Anyways
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Old 2003-07-10, 08:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Lieutenant General
Onizuka's Avatar

hmm thanks for bringing this back up

COME ON PEACEMAKER write some more.........pls pls pls
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Old 2003-07-12, 10:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
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w00t w00t very nicely done..... WRITE MORE!!!!!!!!
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Old 2003-10-07, 08:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Major General
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Ok ok you guys want me to write more. I know. I updated my other story agents of the anti flame so tomarrow night ill do this (if not tomarrow then deffinatly thursday during hamma time, I have friday off.)
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Old 2003-10-09, 10:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Major General
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"Arg" Cried Jack Marslow " I thought that kid said he fixed this thing!"

The Air captain smashed his heater. He was bathed in sweat from the experience at the Amp station, it was 30 below outside the craft, and the small heater was not working. As he was flying along he looked out the right side of his aircraft. The tower he had passed earlyer had been over run by the TR. A striker missle streaked out of a door and missed the Air Captain by a full mile. Also parked next to the tower and guarded several burning hulks was a destroyed ANT. The ground pounders had done their job and finished part of his mission for him. He continued on and came to a ridge. 5 Vanguard MBTs were lined up on the ridge and in the woods he could see a few dozen infantry. They were there to hold the pass, it was a key to the rest of the continent. Further he flew untill he finally arived at the South Tarqaq Air Tower.

"Tower this is lead, open up a pad im coming down." Jack droned into the radio in a tone that felt way to familar.

"Yes sir" Live Wire came back from the tower CC. A hole in the weather shield over one of the pads droped and the captain went screeching into the pad at high speed and yet again turned the aircraft in the oposite direction it was traveling and taped the burners. The result was he was a mear 2 feet of the pad at a dead stop. He gently set the aircraft down and watched as the blue shield covered the pad. He steped out of the aircraft to the same frozen snot nosed kid.

"Kid, you have work to do, my heater is broken again."

"Ah sir, I told you, doing that kind of stuff busts the wires, it wont hold together."

"Just fix it." He sighed as he walked inside. He walked up to the breifing room to find everyone relaxing and leaning back in their chairs. All except for Fox Wellman, the second the tired air captain walked in the door Fox stood up and gave a crisp salute.

"Sir! Was the mission a success sir?" He barked.

"What the hell do you think? Sit down and get some rest no military formalities here." The sargent sat down with a grim smirk. Jack proceded to debrief the 9 men gathered in the room. The result was mission success, the Amp station was out of action and the result was the TR advance would be slowed for nearly a week. The Air Captain stood up and walked out of the room. The rest of the group followed, all except for Fox. He was asleep.

"Ok boys lets hit the bars."

"Alright sir! Now were talkin!"

"We takein the galaxy to the base tonight boss?"

"Yes if you want." The captain walked out to the tower roof and fired up the galaxy parked there. He climed in and brought it to the pads. His group was waiting there. The security guards were still there to guard the base so everything was fine. He hit the gas and of they went to the base and its bar. It would be 10 at night when they got back.
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