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Old 2003-08-28, 10:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Sergeant Major
00AgentDuck's Avatar

Hey sorry I don't care if all you nc out there hate me for saying this but since I play all three empires, I really do think NC is overpowered. I know their weapons are based on power but I think they're to powerful. Me and my friend today where devastated as VS. Tons of people have said nerf VS and everything they have and I'm just sick of it. I have been run over my so many vanguards and enforcers today it's not even funny. I've been hit by tons of vanguard shells and firebird rockets and they're one hit kills. I thought they said nothing does one hit kills, but running people over and firebird rockets and vangaurd shells have killed me in one hit with full health and armor in agile.

Me and my friend both agree about this, we both play all three. I don't care if you yell at me for wanting to tone down the NC alittle. With the vanguard and firebird rockets you only have to hit once. All others you have to keep that lock on the target for several shots. The prowler I went up against and it seems the vanguard and prowler almost lob shells at the same rate. Are,nt TR based on fireing speed? I have seen so many vanguards around latly. I one day killed at least 5 with mines but more kept on coming. Also with the vanguards splash damage it kills quickly. When every one was going crazy about the VS being so powerful I think people where just mad because it was more of a challenge. Also new improvements= more people to empire. More people to empire=Greater chance you will die. So now it seems the nc have it all, I can't even fly in a reaver for fear of the sparrow max locking on to me. I'm jsut blowing off steam right. ALso funny how it seems some nc still want to nerf both the tr and vs down more. I hope some changes are made I gusse, right now, I see a vangaurd or enforcer with a gunner.... I just lay down my life then and give up and except death. And I'm not some noob that doesn't know abotu anything. Been here since relaese first day.

Oh and if you see how many kills I have, it's because I have many characters, and I have the kills split amongst all of my characters. I need to upgrade that picture of me to my guy with the most kills sometime soon.
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Old 2003-08-28, 10:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #2

The only complaint i have with the NC is that their powerful weapons shoot way too fast. The jackhammer should NOT be as fast as it is. They are based on power, and should have a speed disadvantage. Otherwise, the NC are a power based team, and have the power advantage, they just need to be slowed down
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Old 2003-08-28, 10:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Sergeant Major
00AgentDuck's Avatar

Yes I agree with you, they're powerful, yet they shoot so fast their shotgun almost sounds like a slower version of a machine gun. I don't know very many shot guns that shoot that fast, espeically any that shoot in bursts of three (but then again I don't know that much about shotguns, but know you probably should get some recoil off of those things). Slow done the fire rate and things would work better, alot better. Same with vanguard and firebird rockets. I agree entirly with you.
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Old 2003-08-28, 10:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Lieutenant General
Lonehunter's Avatar

I agree with you, two shots with a JH will kill Agile. If they use the Alt firing mode, they can kill anybody. The firing rate for the Vangaurd and Prowler are VERY close to the same, the prowler's is a little faster, but not enough to make a difference. I know a lot of people who have heavy assault, when I hear them talking they say they only have it so they can get Jackhammers. These two things are what I think are making the game not so fun any more. Everyday I get pissed off becouse of this non-sense. Day of Defeat is starting to call to me more and more.
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none
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Old 2003-08-29, 01:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Brigadier General
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I think that the NC weapons are totally fair and if you think I'm just saying this cause I am a NC, I'm not. I don't think any empire is over-powered or under-powered. Also you think that the NC weapons are cheap becaue they are too strong I never complained about it but a lot of people did that the Lashers were over-powered and so many people did complain that SOE even changed it to make it less powerful in one of there patches. Also the Vanu have the floating vehicles and both of there empire-only vehicles can float over water and have gunner seats great for caps that use the LLU.
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Old 2003-08-29, 07:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #6

Dude, everybody says that about the Magrider and thresher "Great for LLU captures cause they can go over water". They're slow when they go over water, and are the easiest targets for reavers. The Jackhammer isnt what im complaining about, its the Vanguard and Enforcer. One hit kill. boom. dead. You walk out of a facility, prepared to destroy an Enforcer with a few Decimators. Boom. Never even got the chance to hit them once. It's so retarded and frustrating. If SOE doesnt nerf them, people are gonna start quitting. Nothing should be one hit kill except maybe a knife, because everyone has one and its nearly impossible to get close enough to someone to use it. "Oh, but then the infil would slaughter everyone!" No...Everybody has Darklight. I bet someone that doesn't even have Planetside has Darklight, they walk through the streets, flicking it on and off looking for invisible people in their neighborhood. But seriously, stop nerfing the VS and nerf something that actually needs nerfing.
The world is grey, the mountains old,
The forge's fire is ashen-cold;
No harp is wrung, no hammer falls:
The darkness dwells in Durin's halls;
The shadow lies upon his tomb
In Moria, in Khazad-d�m.
But still the sunken stars appear
In dark and windless Mirrormere;
There lies his crown in water deep,
Till Durin wakes again from sleep.

-=< The Lone Boar >=-
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Old 2003-08-29, 07:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
First Lieutenant

2 things 2 say

1:the reson it was a 1 hit kill was becuse u were in agile armor. ive been 1 hit kiled by a sniper with dl.

2:there wepons arent overpowered becuse there shotguns. u dont get the full afect unless your close range. the vechials arent as overpowerd. the rocket can do lots of damage if its sitting still. have u ever tried shooting a rocet going 100 miles an hours, u can aim proberly. unless thery still they arent 1 hit kills
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Old 2003-08-29, 07:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
Major General
Indecisive's Avatar

Originally posted by STEALTHKILLER

2 things 2 say

1:the reson it was a 1 hit kill was becuse u were in agile armor. ive been 1 hit kiled by a sniper with dl.

2:there wepons arent overpowered becuse there shotguns. u dont get the full afect unless your close range. the vechials arent as overpowerd. the rocket can do lots of damage if its sitting still. have u ever tried shooting a rocet going 100 miles an hours, u can aim proberly. unless thery still they arent 1 hit kills

first of all, teh spelling = teh sux

Second of all: 1st point.

As a stealther you are invisible. You trade off armor and inventory space for this. Therefore, when you get shot by a sniper you die.

A sniper bolt normaly does 75 health and 25 armor. But, you with your leet invisable suit, have no armor, therefore you die.
In order to pick off a infil you have to have skill, and if you are talking about with dl, you deservere to die. Snipers have a clip of one. If you get that close to a rifle in a base, as an infil, you will die.

2nd point.

Where does 95% of fighting take place? In short-medium range. Where are Shottys most effective? short range but they are still really powerfull at medium (OMG ITS TEH 4 SHOTS IN 2 SECONDS NSTEAD OF 2!111ONE)

If they can pack such a walop in such a sort time what is to stop them?

The ROF on the firebird and van is way to fast. The refire on the van needs to be slowed down, therefore, gunners will accually USE the chainguns, instead of one hit killing people with the way to fast refire rate of the 150mm gun.

This will also inprove the Prowler, cause it will then have a refire rate better then NC, justifing their tank as belong to TR (fast refire)

Im not sure about the firebird tho. Maybe decrease ROF and increase splash damage?


Last edited by Indecisive; 2003-08-29 at 07:38 AM.
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Old 2003-08-29, 09:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #9

well I am TR and the only thing about the NC I don't like is the sparrow MAX range . its range is to far. I use to be a liberator pilot but since everytime you go near an NC base you get missile lock even if you are at the roof. its just not fair the fact that a TR Burster max can not get any kind of lock at that height. And now I heard the VS AA max is the same. So in the end the TR get bombed and have nothing to defend themselves against it except a plane. and even then that Tail gun on the lib can shoot a reaver or a skeeter down in no time or at least turn them away.
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Old 2003-08-29, 09:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
dymetrie's Avatar


as a Sparrow myself,

getting a lock on is not as easy as you make it sound...

on most cont's then the ceiling is way too high for a lock-on, cos by the time the bird is two thirds of the way to the ceiling, you can't see the damn thing, so locking on is bloody hard...

i say this as a gal pilot as well, and the biggest problem that i have at altitude is a reaver or mos on my tail, which in a gal is nearly impossible to shake(i am that ten percent that can shake a tail one time out of ten...), but get near to a base, and there's aa maxes and the bloody base turrets...

The NC Sparrow is not the be all and end all of anti-aircraft artillery, it may pack more of a punch than the other empires, but if you're flying a fat slow bird, then it's not just the other aircraft that are a problem....

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Old 2003-08-29, 09:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
Sergeant Major
Eldanesh's Avatar

Not saying this as just NC, but Vanguard really is not all that fast-fireing.

I would say up the Prowler RoF and leave the van alone. Tanks are ment to have superiority on the ground. Thus you cannot solo a vanguard in agile armor.

On the heavy buggies, they are all very deadly , yes, even the thresher can be powerful, but it still needs a bit of a buff. Maurader/enforcer are extremely powerful and are both well-suited to their role, fast, powerful, still kinda weak compared to main battle tank.

Again, do you expect to be able to run around in agile and solo two people in a tank/heavy buggy and have a good chance of coming away? the reason that they are 3 certs, require gunner, and can only be bought at bases with tech plants is because they are ground SUPERIORITY vechicles. they are ment to allow 2 people to occupy a large number of the enemy.

(on the same token, the reaver can also be concidered to be in the same supeiority class of the heavy tanks and buggies. it is not realistic to expect an infantryman to be able to take a reaver down with ease (even if he has a striker) without some kind of aid. )

Jackhammer? all it is is a fast-firing sweeper with slightly more damage and an alt-fire. All I would say is take away the alt-fire or give a fast-fireign mode to alll the HA. That whoel thing iwth agile-jackhammer-suge? I have done it with a sweeper with similar effect. Only difference is sweeper does not scatter as much and you have to place your shots better. (though for 4 certs that is what you expect)


NC is fairly well-balenced; all I say is improve RoF on prowler by a couple parts of a second.
Thresher need a bit of a damage buff to stay on-par with enforcer/maurader. (hot damn that thing is mobile though, climbing mountains with ease)

Jackhammer? drop alt-fire or give all HA alt-fire, MCG, faster rof with no cof difference from normal mode while stationary; lasher, drop AV damage even more and give alt-fire that does more AV damage than current. (Get it, NC, lotta power in short period, longer fire time, MCG higer RoF with less bloom, Lasher flexable with little effort.
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Old 2003-08-29, 10:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
Happy lil Elf
Happy lil Elf's Avatar
Re: Nc...

Originally posted by 00AgentDuck
Hey sorry I don't care if all you nc out there hate me for saying this but since I play all three empires, I really do think NC is overpowered.
You're welcome to your opinion.
I know their weapons are based on power but I think they're to powerful. Me and my friend today where devastated as VS. Tons of people have said nerf VS and everything they have and I'm just sick of it.
Good for you, NC has been dealing with it since before the game was released, we're just as sick if not more sick of it that you.
I have been run over my so many vanguards and enforcers today it's not even funny. I've been hit by tons of vanguard shells and firebird rockets and they're one hit kills. I thought they said nothing does one hit kills, but running people over and firebird rockets and vangaurd shells have killed me in one hit with full health and armor in agile.
This coming from a Vanu? Look, Tanks run people over. Buggies run people over. Because of client side hit detection you can't always dodge it. Learn to deal with it because it's not changing anytime soon.

As far as one hit kills go have you ever tried to hit an infantry going while going 60kph over uneven terrain? No? Didn't think so. Same goes for the Firebird rockets. They are very hard to get direct hits with while moving and if we don't move then we get to deal with Lancers, Strikers and Decimators. So if you were getting owned all night by Enforcers and Vanguards one shotting you (which I doubt) then what you should do is compliment the people who had the insane amount of skill it would take to consistantly one shot infantry instead of coming to the boards to beat a dead horse. Also the Vanguard shells have been 1 hit kills since beta.
Me and my friend both agree about this, we both play all three. I don't care if you yell at me for wanting to tone down the NC alittle.
Yell at you? No. Take apart your arguments piece by piece? Yes.
With the vanguard and firebird rockets you only have to hit once. All others you have to keep that lock on the target for several shots.
What are you talking about? There is no lock needed for any empire's medium tank or buggy. I'm chalking this one up to you using a poor term for tracking a target so I'll move on.
The prowler I went up against and it seems the vanguard and prowler almost lob shells at the same rate. Are,nt TR based on fireing speed?
The prowler fires faster than the Vanguard. In fact, it fires just about twice as fast.
[quote]I have seen so many vanguards around latly. I one day killed at least 5 with mines but more kept on coming. Also with the vanguards splash damage it kills quickly.[quote] It's called a vanguard squad. They happen because they're one of our strengths. I've seen Magrider squads too. Usually TR seems to go the Reaver Squad route which seems to be usually even more devastating then a tank squad.
When everyone was going crazy about the VS being so powerful I think people where just mad because it was more of a challenge. Also new improvements= more people to empire. More people to empire=Greater chance you will die.
I assume you mean the Lasher nerf? Don't bring that up in this argument. That has nothing to do with NC. That has to do with the devs seeing how easily a MAX or tank could be taken down by a Heavy Assault weapon, and fixing it.
So now it seems the nc have it all, I can't even fly in a reaver for fear of the sparrow max locking on to me. I'm jsut blowing off steam right. ALso funny how it seems some nc still want to nerf both the tr and vs down more. I hope some changes are made I gusse, right now, I see a vangaurd or enforcer with a gunner.... I just lay down my life then and give up and except death. And I'm not some noob that doesn't know abotu anything. Been here since relaese first day.
Ugh. No, the NC do not have it all. Our empire AV wepaons sucks ass indoors and is worthless against moving air targets. Our HA weapons blows at med+ range. Our buggy is decent but no better than the Marauder and our tank is nice but not really any better than a Magrider.

Yeah it is funny how some NC want to nerf TR and VS down. It's also funny how some VS want to nerf the NC and TR down. And, oddly enough from TR want to nerf the VS and NC down. There are many reasons why. Some poeple are idiots. Some people just have penis envy. Some are suffering from the grass is greener syndrome. Some have actually put some real thought into it and think there is still some very minor balancing to be done. I wonder, which one are you?
Oh and if you see how many kills I have, it's because I have many characters, and I have the kills split amongst all of my characters. I need to upgrade that picture of me to my guy with the most kills sometime soon.
How many kills you have has no bearing what-so-ever on the validity of your arguments. If KidRiot had come here posting this I would have argued against him as well. The reason your arguments aren't valid is that they're flawed. You make implications that NC is wildly out of balance and then use lies and exaggerations to back it up. I had hoped these types of posts had died, I was apparently wrong.
Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
-Immortalis Vita

Its eating it's food. (Incorrect use of apostrophes specifically for UV)
"Oni wont get banned, unless you get banned. Its a 2 man ticket."-Hamma to TekDragon re: his request to ban Oni. Life is good.
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Old 2003-08-29, 10:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #13

dymetrie the thing that isn't right is the fact that the TR burster max range is horrible against the other 2 if you place them in the same place and place 2 liberators or any aircraft at a high altitude the burster is less likely to get a lock compared to the sparrow. thats my point the TR burster needs a longer range or the sparrow range needs to be lessend.
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Old 2003-08-29, 11:08 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Major General
Indecisive's Avatar

The thing with the burster is, it dominates air vehicles, faster then the other 2 AA maxes. It just doesnt have the same range.

If a reaver or something gets close enough to the ground, and you are locked down BOOM you are dead b4 you knew what happened.

I think is fair cause you can stand from a tower and take down infatry from 50 yards while the other aa maxes have trouble taking down one agile with a MA wep.

Plus, TR gets the kill all magic striker, who needs an aa max?
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Old 2003-08-29, 11:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
First Lieutenant

i think that every weapon in the game is far too strong and we should nerf them all. actually, lets substitute all weapons with paintballs and when you get shot you have to run back to a friendly base and then return. this will be an honour system so please don't abuse it

every empire has strengths and weaknesses. instead of harassing the devs to nerf and buff weapons, we should be harrassing about adding game features and removing bugs.
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