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Old 2003-10-03, 02:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #406

We need alot of custom options with GUNS, VEHICLES AND SUITS. Look at warhammer 40k it is a game that has grown for over a decade andthey know what are the best units to put in and we need strategy tactics put in. If you guys are wondering what warhammer is go to
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Old 2003-10-03, 02:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #407

Interchangable parts would be nice. For the guns that is.
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Old 2003-10-05, 05:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #408

I have no right posting really, but I want to anywayz. I was in the beta, but i left at the end from being pissed off cuz of my opinions of the balance of thing.

My wishlist is only to balance the current build and nothing more.
Basically how to not nerf, but Buff them..too much nerfing already.

I think everything would be fine, if the implants were overhauled, and mabey make right click switch weapon in invin screen work better - Right click on pistol - switches what's in the 1st pistol slot with the pistol you selected, works with all things, just defaults to the 1st slot that fits the item you right clicked on. Then no need for 2nd pistol slot for infl, or a gernade slot or anything, just improving the current right click system a bit.
After that all i'd do is implant upgrades, as follows

Darklight - Remove darklight icon, its buggy anywayz, increase range perhaps.

Silent Run - Kill off silent run and replace with jammer system, to jam all things that a jammer gernade does. range is that of darklight, but makes loud noise, something like the 2ndary knife attack, louder mabey, and mabey 20 stamina activation cost. This would be useful for non cloakers - anti interlace thingy with radar and turrets, or at least somewhat. Cloakers can now on/ off to kill off darklight, should it be on - this is why remove darklight icon.

Regeneration - 1:1 stamina/ health, Regen's at rate of the medical heal thing, but also for advanced medics, kills off all medical equipment and raises the adv medic from the dead after the respawn timer has elapsed, to full life, if he has any medical equipment and full stamina. then it resets the regen spawn timer. Gives medics a use for this implant, and increases the power of a medic a bit. U gotta get to a invin again or find another medic's body" less common with this" to do it again. It'd save people gettin the basic medic cert just to heal whenever.

Frenzy - modified weapon's booster - does the weapons boost + 25% less reload time on weapons + 20% life to health + 20% speed increase Stackable with surge. Gives a use to it for non cloakers.

Surge - same stamina drain for all armors

Second wind - full heals if you have 50% stamina, and can be used again immediatly. Also counds as if you have 300 life instead of 100 life if you have full stamina, just your stamina doesnt go away till you need the 300 life equilivant. Useful for surving not normally survival attacks, so the 2nd wind would actually go into effect before you'd die. 200 life equilivant if you got between 50 and 99% of stamina, i think u get the picture.

Advanced Targeting - 25% smaller cone of fire, and 25% slower cone of fire increase rate, able to see all life bars of people within a range of 1 tower's SOI, plus the normal see who your looking at on your crosshairs bit.

Audio Amplifer - Range is that of a Tower SOI, and it detects walking and runnning, not crouch walking, only running when outside a SOI, you can now see feet/shoes through walls of anything you detect, looks like a cloaker under darklight, but just the feet, so u can better tell where things are without analyings your map to hell. Kinda like seeing ghost feet walking around. Only feet cuz you wouldnt know what side it was and what armor class it was. Just have a good idea where it was last your audio amp detected it.

Personal Sheild - no stamina requirement till hit, can leave on forever, perhaps add the range magnifactation too it since i dont know what else to do with that one That'd make it useful and on par with the other buffed up implants.

These would make the builds of everyone's characters different, because more things are useful more often and such.

Anywayz, if those things happend, there would be alot more use of all the implants equally i think, anywayz.

If anyone likes this, which I have no clue about, Perhaps they could post it in the wishlist section of planetside forums for me, since i'm not a subscriber and i couldnt do it myself.

I think planetside is fine, except for the cloaker's huge disadvantages, and by improving the crappy implants, this would fix it. Enough at least, by lowering the quantity of darklight implants around the world by improving the others. It works out for everyone
plus its anti nerf, and how many people do that these days, really.
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Old 2003-10-06, 03:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #409
"Balancing PS"

The idea of adding/removing implants is ok, but lets not get too carried away with this one area. From my experience, cloakers are a pain in the butt. Dark Light is a useful tool, as well as Audio Amplification to hear them running around. I don't think we should "dumb" these options down in any way, as cloakers would have too much of an advantage then.

Its bad enough that "splash damage" from rockets barely does any damage, so spraying an area that a cloaker is in, isn't that effective, but to make it virtually impossible to detect cloakers in the first place, would make the game very one sided...for the cloaker.

I supposed one could always increase the blast radius of missiles and grenades and increase the damage being in that area will cause...

"Balancing PS" is all a matter of perspective. Im sure every player has their own version of what "balance" means to them, as far as PS goes.

My idea of making PS a little more balanced, is how PS handles experience.

I've hammered away at a soldier or tank until it was a hair away from death, then someone else comes along and takes 1 shot at it, kills him/her/it and gets the experience. That sucks.

The experience for a kill should be based on some sort of % or a minimum amount of experience for participating in a kill.

I don't see how its fair for someone who took 1 shot at a target and killed it, gets 100% of the experience for killing the target while the other person who took 10 shots at the same target, but didn't kill it, gets 0 points. Makes some players feel ripped off for their efforts, especially when they are now out of ammo, have gained 0 experience for the kill they didn't get credit for and another enemy comes around the corner. Good times.

Gotta say, I really enjoy the game. I like the upgrades it keeps getting and the expandibility of the game. All in all, a damn good game that I don't mind paying every month to play.

Yeah, I too would love it to be free, but hey, who wouldn't!
As long as the upgrades and expantions remain free, I'll keep playing.

"The Pain Train is com'n baby! The Pain Train is com'n! Whoo Whooo!"
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Old 2003-10-06, 10:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #410

I think that there should be a light air vehicle added to the game called the Dragonfly. This would have around 300 Armor, but a top speed of 165 and great maneuverability. Two cannons would be its offensive armament.
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Old 2003-10-07, 09:04 AM   [Ignore Me] #411

@CTAN 5000: I agree with the modifications of the experience system thing. One of my favorite games is Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance, specifically because they have a game time that gives exp for both kills and damage. As a test, they should make it so every four damage dealt to an opponent is worth one exp point. This wouldn't add up too fast, but it would make it a lot more fun than when someone steals your kills.
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Old 2003-10-07, 09:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #412
Sergeant Major

that would help or maybe its like 10% damage then u get 10% of wat the exp was if u killed the guy that way if u caused 90% of the damage u get 90% of the xp so even is someone did steal ur kill u would end up with most of the xp
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Old 2003-10-07, 09:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #413
Sergeant Major

a new more close combat race like the Aliens in the move Aliens those guys could be the reason the Vanu left their planet cause of these things. This would be a good thing for those gamers who dont have alot of time to play as u dont have to hack anything and all u do is fight now they would be small in variety so not many people choose them they could 'morph' instead of getting weapons they could 'morph' or 'evolve' into new creatures so instead of certs they could have umm........ DNA codes so they can change...... and some could spit out acid also they would have to be very fast since they dont have any vehicles
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Old 2003-10-07, 11:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #414

I've said this before and I will say it again, for every time you have almost killed a guy and someone else has got the kill you've probly done it to someone else. The exp system is fine. If you really have a problem with it squad more and stay in squad formation, that way no matter who gets the kill you all get exp.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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Old 2003-10-08, 11:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #415
Experience Points

Staying in a squad to "assure" you'll get at least some of the experience of the kills around you, assumes you are never working with other "non-squad" players...that's unrealistic.

Some sort of % for being a part of a kill, even if it was a standard/minimum 10-25% if you didn't actually get the kill, would be just fine. Some sort of recognition for your efforts is all I'm after.

And seeing as the rules are changing for experience (not getting easier) and more and more players are joining PS, it makes it harder and harder to advance, especially CR. The more players there are, the more chances of someone else taking your kills or hacking bases you were heading for, to hack. Yeah there are more targets to shoot at, but in the "Zerg" mentality...its viritually impossible to take down a player, when he's backed up by 5-10 can't spread your fire, and you aren't alive long enough to take one of those 10 guys down...its just all bad.
Too many players in a battle tends to make things too chaotic...

Sniping becomes an attractive career at that point, but when a game has nothing but snipers, its no fun.

Assuring players get some reward for their efforts, no matter how many people are playing, taking your kills or hacking the bases you wanted, just seems fair. Granted, if you're standing around doing nothing, you should get nothing. Reward for participation.

Its easy to sit back and say "keep things the way they are", when you're BR15+, CR3+, cause you played since day one,
when there weren't a lot of other players to compete with.

But when a game gets this popular and is only getting more popular, there has to be some compromise to the point system so that others can attain high ranks, just as "easily" as the players before them.

One could argue that the more players there are, the more targets there are and therefore your BR should go through the roof... Yes and No. There's always a flip side. And keep in mind, the number of bases to hack isn't going up, so CR will just be harder and harder to attain...and there is no flip side to that coin.

"The Pain Train is com'n baby! The Pain Train is com'n! Whoo Whooo!"
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Old 2003-10-09, 04:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #416

Then you suck.

I'm sorry I should probly put that more diplomaticly but i just cant, your wrong on so many levels it's kind of entertaining.

First off, the number of players in this game has actualy dropped off since first release, not in huge numbers grant you but the fact remains there are less players, not more, since first release and especialy since open beta. Maybe CC will fix this, I hope it does but either way that's not the case.

Secondly, your logic is that since you cant get a kill on a squaded enemy, because he's got his buddies to back him up and your a solo player that you need to be given some kind of reward is so flawed. If the enemy is meeting you with squads meet them with squads.

If your complaining about being vastly under manned against a superior force its likely no one on your side is getting a lot of kills, so lets divide up the gains even further because you cant get any kills bravo.

Do you really think I give a damn about my rank and dont want to change things out of a sense of "keep the little guy down". No i point this out because I dispise the system that rewards people for soloing and people who cannot forge into a unit. Give me 10 chosen men and I will trounce any given force up 3 times our number, it's not a brag it's fact, because the people I play with consistantly we learn each others habits we know each others certs and we hunt as a pack. That's why you and so many like you keep getting owned.

The devs have said that command exp will remain mostly the same, in fact if anything command exp will be easier to get as it wont replace Battle exp. Also battle exp is getting a boost, at any rate dont judge the change before you've seen it.

Finnaly and most importantly heres the quick and dirty reason why partial kill exp is not given. THis is obviously not verbatum but is a basic summary, i think i got this from Cat.

Behold the big battle, the glory of every planetisde player. The servers are tracking all sorts of garbage auditing of hit detection health and stamina levels and what have you, and most importantly for our lecture kill and battle experience.

Ok as it it now, player A kills player B, exp is awarded no problem.

But under your system if player C nicked player B the server whould have to track how much and then calculate a small share, divided among the two.
Now lets think that maybe Player A damages player B and is then taken out, then B uses a medkit and is then taken out by player C, how much exp is rewarded. Or player B is harmed but healed by palyer D to fullness. What I'm getting at if you did it this way ever point of damage dealth in the game whould now have to have a "I was dealth by X" tag on it. Plus the server whould have to keep track of all those tags. Never mind the added computations for splitting the exp especialy when your splitting tiny ammounts (fresh spawned individual) Between two people, one squaded and one not.

/rant off
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.

Last edited by Doppler; 2003-10-10 at 06:45 AM.
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Old 2003-10-09, 10:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #417

lol doppler, mild rant there. but u made sum good points, especially about the lag. I hav a good system, a p4 with 1500 connection, but even i get lag sometimes. I shudder about what the state of the game would be 4 players with DSL connections and the like if we implemented this system
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Old 2003-10-11, 01:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #418
Jagd's Avatar

Good point Doppler, it's similar the reason why your comp draws every bullet and every tracer because it would take a lot more computing power to determine if they should be drawn or not, than to just draw them all.
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Old 2003-10-15, 08:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #419

7,932 views and its on page 3? wtf 10-11-2003 07:39 PM
(Jagd) was the last post i dont want to see this thing gone beforei get to put up my Great Set of Idea's *Note still working on it aswell as a summary for this whole list*

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Old 2003-10-15, 08:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #420

The reason it wound up on page three is it got a little too cumbersome for folks tastes. Still I'm awfull proud of my little thread, although it's longevity had more to do with it being stickied then anything.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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