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Old 2003-10-30, 09:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

Ive been thinking about this one for a long time, now I know what I want to do. Enjoy the Adventures of Jack Marslow chapter 11.

Bright lights. A rigging of extremly high powered lights hung over Jack. There was a center lamp with five other lamps circling around it. They burned his retinas as he opened his eyes. Darkend figures that he could not focus on where looking down at him. Even more looking from an observation area above the room which was completly white. His arms and legs were fastned down and a clamp held his head in place. He opened his mouth to try to scream but found that he could not make a sound. One of the figures was holding something now, his eyes focused on the object, his ears were filled with noise. It suddenly dawned on him that he had not been able to hear anything either.

"Dont worry Air Captain, this wont hurt a bit...." said one of the dark figures. Jack's eyes finally focused on the object that was closing in on his abdomen, it was a saw. Its blade started wirring and Jack watched as it sliced open his chest.

Aja was buzzing with activity. The 45 members if FoE squadron were scurrying about the base all of them worried about their leader. It was dark out now. A busted up galaxy hovered over head and lowered a Reaver that was in worse shape. The young Lt. walked across the base in her PJ's. She had just been awoken and told that the mission to retrieve the secret operatives had gone horribly wrong. She looked at the reaver for a second and thought about who had been lost in the action. A young boy was looking closly at the air craft. Jen walked up to the him and taped him on the shoulder. He was very dirty, grease and dirt covered his face and blonde hair. A little snot was running from his nose. He looked genuinely worried.

"Where is Peacemaker?" She asked him. "I need to find out what happened and who was lost." The kid just stared blankly at him. "Where is he? And whos aircraft is this?"

"Mam this is the commanders aircraft." He cryed out. Jen stood there stunned. Jack Marslow was reported to be one of the if not the best pilot on the planet. How could he get shot down on such a simple mission? She looked inside of the cockpit, splatters of blood could be seen splotched on the glass. A man in a bright golden uniform appeared behind her.

"Mam you need to report to the CIC (Combat Information Center)."

"Yea, ok." She said worriedly. As she walked back into the bases exterior she thought about the repercussions of the loss of the commander. The legendary FoE squadron would have to be disbanned. That ment that without any real coordinated aircover untill a relife squadron arrived Cyssor would fall. She walked into the CIC, it was filled with computers, screens, and personel were everywhere, all working franticly. An old looking man turned and gave a salute which she returned.

"Special Command Operations Major Tills Lt." He said gruffly. "We have a situation. As you may have figured out Commander Jack Marslow call sign Peacemaker was lost this afternoon in a raid. His aircraft was recovered but no body was found. We cannot revive him with the matrix."

"Any idea where he is? And how he was shot down?" She asked.

"No idea where he is now, we throughly secured and combed the crash sight. We think he was captured, two sets of prints going into the wood where he crashed and three coming out. As for how he was shot down, the commanders computer reported a malfunction to us seconds before the signal went out. It read 'Vehical tampering confirmed, thrust systems off line.' It appears someone tampered with his customised ship and its secruity shut the juicy stuff off. The problem was that he never checked and took off without his accelerated manuvering systems."

"Anything else?" Jen thought a moment after saying this. She had checked Jack's aircraft before he left. Everything was fine.

"Ahh yes one last thing. This one is pretty damn freaky." He pressed a few buttons and the main monitor at the front of the room zoomed in on a continent. It looked like it was relativly scerene except for a straight line to one of the warp gates. A trail of lames and smoke drove from a massive base in the center of the continent to the warp gate. The debris trail was still not to the warp gate though.

"Wha... What the hell is that?"

"That.. is the Vanu Sovereignty sanctuary continent. More than 500 tanks, and jeeps are destroyed in that swath. What ever is causing it is heading straight for the warp gate." One of the techs walked up behind the major and tapped him on the soldier.

"Ah sir, I think we found Peacemaker. Im not really sure though sir."

"How can you not be sure?"

" Sir we picked this up on the Emergancy Broadcast radio. Its all points, anyone on the planet can see this, its pretty loud too no one could miss this. This is only 50 seconds old." He pressed a few buttons and the main screen switched to show a Vanu soldier in a MAX armor and another in reinforced armor standing infront of the camera. The MAX armor was turning back and forth firing at something in the backround.

"This is squad Romeo, something is wrong! One of the prisoners escaped, you have to send help! The acctualy did what they have wanted to do. But they couldnt control it. The lab is gone. Its been following us for an hour. You have to hel..." Jen was no longer listening to the soldier. She looked back to the MAX armor. It had suddenly stoped firing. A figure stood infront of it. Small rocks were hovering a few inches off the ground. So was the MAX armor. A flash across the arm and the MAX's arm dissapeared. Crackling electricity and blood came from the suit. It fell to the ground twitching. This all happened in about 2 seconds, the soldier was still talking towards the camera. a large hand suddenly appeared inisde of his helmet. The soldiers eyes started to roll back into his head and blood squirted from his tear ducts, nose, mouth, and ears. A face suddenly appeared over his shoulder it was not very clear but two eyes glowing crimson red could be seen.

"Freeze that!" Jen commanded. The tech pressed a button and the shot froze. "Enhance it." The image started to claer up and become brighter. It was obviously Jack, his eyes glowing deep read and his retinas look like those of a cat. He didnt exactly look happy. Gritting his teeth, bathed in sweat, a gash on his forehead. He appeared to be insane. The tech started the video again, the picture still held still for a second except for the panting of Jack and a moan from the soldier. The insane Air Captain grunted and crushed the soldies skull in his hand. A second later he disappeared with a flash.

"My god, what the hell was that?" The major cried aloud.

"Whats happened to him?" Jen asked no one in particular. The door to the hallway opened and a figure in a lab coat stepped in.

"The Vanu have mutated him." The new person in the lab coat said.

"Who are you?" The major asked.

"I am a civilain Major, my name is not important but you may call me 15. My job is a biological warfare advisor for the New Conglomerate Army."

"What have the Vanu done to him?" The Major asked.

"I told you they have mutated him and he has obviously lost his mind. Now the only real problem is that he is heading straight for this base. Killing him will not be easy." 15 said rather coldly.

Edit: Holy crap, that took a really long time to write. I hope you guys like that one.

"K..Kill him?" The pretty Lt. asked more to her self than anyone else.

Last edited by Peacemaker; 2003-10-30 at 09:16 PM.
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Old 2003-10-30, 09:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
NewCong. Marine
Master Sergeant

Well...that doesnt happen every day....friggen vanu...
Because guns are always better than spoons.
NewCong. Marine is offline  
Old 2003-10-30, 11:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Mrs. Hamma
Jennyboo's Avatar

omygod! write more i want to see who kills peace .. but i have a feeling this will be interesting ;P (damn in i'm smart in this) .. write soon i thirst for more ..<3 jennyboo
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Old 2003-10-31, 03:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Lieutenant General
Infernus's Avatar

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Old 2003-10-31, 04:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Sputty's Avatar

I love responces
You sure do
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Old 2003-10-31, 06:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
NewCong. Marine
Master Sergeant

When more come...? Need fanfic read yes....
Because guns are always better than spoons.
NewCong. Marine is offline  
Old 2003-11-01, 09:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #37
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

Request to Vash: Dont edit or remove anyones posts on here if they flame my story. I want all critisim good and bad. Please do not remove any posts. The only exception would be if I ask you to do it. Thanks alot.
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Old 2003-11-01, 02:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

I give you Chapter 12: The Line

The Lieutenant could not believe what she was seeing. Two hundred infantry men, fifty maxs, forty jeeps, and sixteen vanguard tanks sat waiting along the northern wall of the Aja Amp Station. They were all waiting for the man known as Peacemaker. The FoE squadron was also entirly airborn. Orders to kill their old CO must have been hard to take. Nothing matter now though. Peacemaker was heading straight for the base they had to protect it. The area to the north of the base was filled with spitfire turrets and mines everywhere. Nothing could get through it. The Lieutenant looked at the defences over one last time and walked down the gang plank to the ground level of the base. Back to the CIC she went. The Major was still there. It was even more frantic than before. A red dot was moving across the main screen heading strait for the base. It was obvious what it was.

"Major are you sure that the Commander is acctualy coming to destroy us?" She asked the Major.

"Yes, he destroyed half a TR tank batalion on the way here." He replyed, as if to emphisise the point monitors around the room played videos of a quick object ripping apart tanks and people alike. "Sparks bring up a picture of the defence line."

A somewhat melancholy man turned and looked at him. It was sparks, the radio man of FoE. "Yes sir." He picked up a radio and started blabing into it. "Livewire, get me a picture of the picket line."

"Roger that." Droned the responce.

"Sparks, Bachman here, do we really have to take down Peace?"

"Yea man this is bull and you know it. The Commander would never attack us." Another pilot named Nova responded.

"Sorry guys this is just as hard on me as it is on you."

"Easy for you to say! Your not gonna be shooting at him though." A gunner by the name of Ivan responded. Sparks just looked down at his consol and went back to work. A tech suddenly stood up and started blabbering.

"H...h....he....he's here!!!!" The radio suddenly exploded with life.

"Squad beta, weve got a visual here."

"Battalion 3 has sensor reading and visual confirmation."

"Flight Zulu here, I have a sighting." The Lieutenant looked at the camera shot and ran out of the room.

"This is the EXO." cried the Major on the radio "Get ready!"

Every gun on the line had its bolt drawn back and safty switched off. Everyone was looking at a figure standing on a hill about a mile away. He wasnt moving he was just standing there. A blink of an eye and he was now very close.

"This is line commander, control he is within range."

The voice of the Major came back loud and clear but still clearly sad. "LET HIM HAVE IT!" The entire line all opened up at once, a wall of flame was formed from the combined fire of all the guns. Over 500 shells were now inflight to the figures position. Flashes of light, some troops zoomed in and could not believe their eyes. The man known as the Peacemaker was dodging the bullets and shells. Back flips and spins, dives and rolls, ducks and slides. The vanguard shells were landing amongst him and he was dodging the shrapnell from it. Jumping over the blasts of plasma grenades.

"Sir, line commander again, its not working! Hes DODGING everything."

"Call in the FoE squadron." 25 mosquitos and 5 reavers reluctantly swooped down and started strafing there Commanders position.


"Use the Phalnaxs!" 20 turrets rose from behind the wall of the base. They all rotated and pointed at the Air Captain who was still dodging the shells of the defence line. The barrels on the guns started to spin up. A half second later a tounge of flame erupted from the barrels of the guns. Suddenly over 4000 more shells were streaking in to Peacemaker's position. A few soldiers once again zoomed in and saw that he was still dodging this. But he made a jump to the left and a stray shell caught him in the left arm. The Air captain spun around in mid air landed on his feet and continued to dodge the fire. Another shell hit him in the right shoulder.

"We got him sir. Just a couple more ..." The sound of an engine reving could. The line commander looked up and saw a wraith bike fly off the base wall and land infront of him. It burned out towards the Air Captains position.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Came the cry over the radio. The major continued yelling into the radio desperatly trying to get the defence force to stop shooting. The guns fell silent. They all reloaded and got ready to deliver another barage. The Wraith came to a stop infront of the massive cloud of dust that had arrisen from the shelling. A figure jumped of the bike and stared into the cloud. It slowly started to disapate. Almost all of the soldiers were zoomed in on the person standing so close to the Air Captain who was obsucured by the smoke. "Who the hell is that?"

"Ah sir, I think its the Lieutenant."

"WHAT!? Get her the hell out of there!"

"Too late sir, the cloud is lifting." The cloud had started to disapate. Jen stared into the cloud. The Air Captain was standing, head slumped down. He was shot in at least six diffrent spots.

"S...sir?" The Lieutenant said cautiously. The air captain slowly raised his head. His eyes were still glowing the horrible crimson red. Jen grabbed something on her belt and through it at him. He caught the spherical object and looked at it for a second. Electricity arched through his body. The Air captain let out a terrible scream and fell to his knees. Jen rushed forward and caught him before he landed face first in the ground. The Air Captain opened his eyes slowly and looked around for a second.

"What the hell?"
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Old 2003-11-01, 09:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
NewCong. Marine
Master Sergeant

crazy...... Should of given em all jackhammers. Nothing can get past 250 JHs shooting in your general direction at once. Nothing. Incredibly cool.
Because guns are always better than spoons.
NewCong. Marine is offline  
Old 2003-11-01, 09:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

Chapter 13: Diagnosis

Lights. Once again Jack Marslow awoke to lights above him. He closed his eyes afraid that he was back in the Vanu Lab. Noises came quicker to him this time. The first thing he heard was a woosh woosh woosh woosh. Slow and soft the noise continued. The next thing he noticed was a breeze. His short hair was blowing about a little. The last thing to get Jack's attention was a soft snoring from his right. He slowly opened his eyes getting used to the light. The lights were still above him. But a fan was spining. The breeze was blowing a curtain into his face. He looked to his left and saw a large mirror. Obviously something or someone on the other side he thought to himself. Now he drew his attention to the snoring. He looked to the right and there sitting on a chair with her head resting on his bed was Lieutenant Jennyboo. Jack sat up in his bed and looked around rather blankly. A soft knock at the door to the left.

"Come in." Jack said. The door opened and 15 and the same nurse that had helped him his first night on Cyssor walked in the door.

"Hello Air Captain, my name is 15. I am here to treat you."

"Treat me for what!?" The last thing I remember is having my gut sliced open by a saw inside of a Vanu lab!"

"Yes it seems that the Vanu have created a few new bio implants for their soldiers. It seems they were testing them on captives. We have analized your body and found several new objects in your system." The nurse pressed a button next to the door and a wall slid up into the cealing revealing a monitor. Jack looked down at Jen, she was still sleeping.

"Why is she in here?"

"Dont you know Air Captain?"

"Know what?"

"Jennifer saved you."

"She what?" Jack replyed with a stupified face.

"She litterly stoped you from either getting killed or destroying everyone at the base. You grabbed the jammer grenade she hurled at you and it turned off all the implants the Vanu put in." Jack thought for a second. A flash of memory, he was kneeling in a patch of dirt filled with craters and scorch marks. Aja lay before him, hundreds of men and vehicals all facing in his direction. Someone was holding him. Keeping him from colapsing to the ground. Jack looked back at Jen for a second and then looked back to the doctor.

"So what the hell did those bastards put in me anyways?" Jack finally looked down at him self and noticed that his body was covered in bandages and a few needles were sticking in him. He went to grab them but the doctor stoped him.

"I wouldnt take them out, youve been shot 7 times. With out them you would be in alot of pain. As for what they put in you take a look." The doctor walked up to the newly exposed monitor which showed a picture of a human male and organs. A few points were hilghlighted in red. "This is an implant which appears to pump concentrated adrenalin into your blood thus making it almost impossible to run out of stanima. This one here on your brain enables you to think twice as quick as you normaly do. This should compliment your 'other talent'." The doctor looked at Jack who looked as if he didnt know what he was talking about. "These are like surge implants except they are about 20 times more effective. You could destroy a tank with your bare hands with these and run as fast as a skeeter on burners. And the last implant is an emotional shut down. It turns off all reasoning beyond survival. The side effect, you went insane. The adrenalin implant also overloads your dark light vision and advanced targeting implants. Thus the red glowing eyes and the ability to see a bullet. As for how you were able to dodge ALL of the shells we threw at you I have yet to figure out, it must have been the 'other talent' and all of the other additions the vanu have made. And now mister Marslow we will leave you." The dotcor and the nurse quickly exited the room.

"The hell?" Jack said to himself. He slid back down into his bed and started to go back to sleep. He reawoke to the sound of ruffling papers. He woke up fast this time. He looked around for a second and found the Lieutenant doing some paper work. She worked for a while not noticing he was awake untill she turned around and looked at him.

"Oh your awake?"


"Its about time sir, youve been out for three days now."

"Dont call me sir. Its Jack or Peace. Either will do."

"K, uh Jack."

"How is the war going? Three days is alot of time."

"Just dont be concerned with that.. Jack, the war is going smoothly. You need to recover."

"I hear you saved me."

"How did you hear of that, Ive been in here this whol...." Her face blushed for a second.

"The good doctor was here, explained some things to me. You happened to be sleeping."

"Well I guess I did save you. I couldnt let them kill you Jack. We... we cant affor to loose you. Besides something told me that it was the wrong thing to do."

"Something? What do you mean something?"

"I think it was a dream."

"Now Ive got to ask you something else Jen, why were you in my aircraft. I nearly got killed because you set off the security and I foolishly jumped in without checking it. And on that note where is my bird?"

"Um..... ah... well. I sorta wanted to check it out and make sure everything was working fine. Besides the mechanics say that they can fix your reaver. It wont be that hard."

"Tell them not to touch it."

"Uh... what ever you say... Jack. Id think youd want it fixed though."

"Yea I do, get a team together, Ive gotta go back to the Vanu Sanctuary."

"Oh no you dont! You need to get better. And I need to change your bandages."

"Change my bandages?" Jack said with another stupified look.

Last edited by Peacemaker; 2003-11-02 at 12:51 PM.
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Old 2003-11-01, 10:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
Mrs. Hamma
Jennyboo's Avatar

.... amazing i'm on the edge of my seat..write more .. peace you so crazy good at typing unlike me (typo queen) write more ..i think we all want more <3 Jennyboo
Jennyboo is offline  
Old 2003-11-01, 11:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
NewCong. Marine
Master Sergeant

This story is sweet. I do believe its on par with destroyeron's "The Project". And i really liked The project.
Because guns are always better than spoons.
NewCong. Marine is offline  
Old 2003-11-02, 12:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

Chapter 14: Getting Ready -Aja Machine Shop - 5 days later

"Screw driver....... 3/8ths wratchet.... light." Jack instructed the kid. laying on his back looking under his reaver, which was being suspended by an anti grav hoist. Several parts of the aircraft were missing. A rocket pod, avionics pieces, a stub wing. But even more important was the fact that the all important thruster heads that adored positions all over the aircraft were mostly destroyed. The armored sliding doors that kept them hidden from view had offered little protection from the crash. Jack scratched at his shoulder. He was wearing too many bandages to wear a armor vest. The pain had still not registered, the pain killers were doing an excelent job. He sat up and looked at the kid. "Well kid, done all we can for now. You just reatach the rocket pod and the missing wing stub. Ill finish up the avionics later." He stood up and started to limp out of the Machine Shop. Nova, Bachman, Live Wire, Air Viper, and Ivan were sitting on a parked Harasser.

"Hiya boss." Ivan said as Jack approached. The rest of the group looked up from what ever they were doing and said the same thing.

"Hey guys."

"Hows the bird sir?" Nova asked.

"I need parts guys. Looks like we are going back." The group noded in unison. "Tell the rest of the group, Ill need a full squad."

"Sir Id like to go." Ivan said as he jumped off of his perch on the Harasser's roll cage.

"Me too." Bachman raised his hand.

"Ok then, you find a few more volenteers. We wont be leaving for another 3 days though. Im still kinda beat up. But we will go back to find the stash on..." Jack stoped talking and looked up to see the Lieutenant approaching. Jack started to limp away from the group as fast as he could. He made it about ten feet.

"What are you doing out of bed!?"

"Im fixing my plane, you got a problem with that?"

"Yes I have a problem with the sir. You should be resting sir."

"Well I was just about to go back to my room."

"Fine you wont mind if I accompany you." She grabbed his hand and started leading him in the opposite direction that he had run in. Jack looked at her awkwardly for a second and shook his head.

"Damn it."

- 2 Days later

Jack pased about the front of the briefing room. The door slid open and nine soldiers walked in. Bachmann, Ivan, Draygo, Hope, Fiathless, Tetryon, Rat, Bad Kharma, and MonkeyDude.

"Good, heres the word. In two days we are getting on a Gal and we are going back to Ceryshen. The Terrans have a strong foot hold on the continent. A mile to the south of the old Air Tower is a tree. Under that tree is a patch of loose soil. In that soil is the parts we need to win here on Cyssor." The door at the front of the room flew open and in walked the Lieutenant.

"I think Ill be joining you on your little trip."

"I think you wont be Lieutenant."

"Yes I will, orders from the Major." She handed Jack a slip of paper and he started scaning it.

"Is this necessary?"

"Yes it is Jack. Your still hurt and I am the only other officer who can make the trip. I will be joining you." Jack frowned at this and looked around the room.

"Ok then, Monkeydude you are not going to join the combat team. You can pilot the Galaxy. Find your self three gunners. Tetryon and Draygo, your going as MAX armor. Tetryon is Anti Infantry and Draygo is Anti Tank. Rat and Bad Kharma you are going to be using an enforcer. Everyone else, take your prefrence. See ya in two days at 0100." The group saluted and walked out.

"Thanks for..." Jen started.

"Listen, stay out of my way. This is a nearly fully secured continent covered in a 45,000 man army. We might as well walk up to the sanctuary with a neon sign that says shoot me. I dont want you on this mission its too dangerous. But you want to go so your going. Just dont screw up. You WILL be dead." Jen looked sadly at him and turned away.

"Ok Jack. Ill stick near you then. But um one thing."


"Could you teach me how to shoot?"
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Old 2003-11-02, 01:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
NewCong. Marine
Master Sergeant

Because guns are always better than spoons.
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Old 2003-11-02, 01:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
Mrs. Hamma
Jennyboo's Avatar

lol she dosent know how to shoot bad!! peace that was too short write more <3 jennybo
Jennyboo is offline  
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