Originally Posted by Corrosion
It's a failure in the sense that it's boring and practically pointless for the vast majority of players. The selling point of the Starwars universe is the Jedi and the Force, and 95% + of the SW:G population will never get to try it. What's left over is SimLife: Mineral Farmer.
Originally Posted by Jaged
FFXI looks promising. Still not convinced, though. How hard is it to get into? How time consuming? How receptive?
FFXI is a beautiful game, but it has a horrid interface... entirely keyboard-based, not even a basic mouse-look. The job system is interesting too. It's possible to get 1 character to max level on all 15 job classes.
Originally Posted by Happy lil' Elf
It will not be perfect on launch. In fact not only will it be delayed but it will still have bugs at release. However Blizzard, being true to their rep, will squash the bugs in record time. Will it end up a good game? Probably. Is it going to be "teh bestest game evah!!1!!1"? Probably not. What am I going on? What evidence do I have to back these crazy theories up? Blizzard's past track record and inexperience where MMO games are concerned is about all. Which, if I might add, is more to go on than any of the people who touch themselves at night thinking about playing a Orc.
No game in the history of computer games has ever been perfect on launch, so that point is rather moot. I play WC3: TFT and follow the news sites, so I have a good grasp of what's happening with the game. Inexperience doesn't mean incompetence. All Blizzard has done is take the parts that work from MMO's that have been out for a while and throw in Warcraft's amazing stylistic feel.