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Old 2004-07-11, 08:46 AM   [Ignore Me] #46
Staff Sergeant

tut, trojanman i allready said those things


we SHOULD have an M60 style machine gun, but it should slow you down alot and is only accurate while prone...
climbing can be done with empre specific grappling guns, they have lethal and unlethal modes, the lethal mode atacthes to earth and the unlethal mode is used to shoot over walls so you can climb up them...
the gun which does all that stuff for infils, i said that, what if it could be used as a close range weapon istead of a gun, like fibre wire, then you could use it to disable mines, one by one, steal stuff from enemies back packs...
no invisible snipers, unless if they use an AMS to cloak them or something...

also, 3 new grenades:
flashbang: you all know what they do
smoke: creates a cloud of black smoke, people in agile, standard or infil armor can die of suffocation if they hang around for too long...
force: creates a shockwave used to blow up mines or blast enemies accross a room, can kill if it explodes close enough to someone

and a breach explosive, for getting through doors easily...
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Old 2004-07-11, 10:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #47
Brigadier General
Lartnev's Avatar

Originally Posted by hex222
we SHOULD have an M60 style machine gun, but it should slow you down alot and is only accurate while prone
Prone? We playing the same game here

And when cloaked by an AMS you can't see anything outside te cloak bubble (unless you use darklight I think).
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Old 2004-07-12, 11:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #48
Real Mulambo
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True Day & Night Cycle
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Old 2004-07-12, 01:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #49

most have these have been said
-Naval Bases/vessels/battles/veh/whatever
-New bases
-A way to climb mountains/walls
-Day and Night cycle
-camo for sniper(i no its not fair but i most definetly want it )
-prone would be kool, but they wont put it in
-an infil that can actually do somtin
-Heavy Assault Tanks
-Empire specific Light Assault Tanks
-Better defense capabilities in bases
-Empire specific Air(pick one idc which so long as its not the lodestar lol)
-Urban Areas, Outfit Barracks, check this out==> if u dont want to read it all(it is 20 some pages) read like the last 3 pages or so to see what im talkin about.
-Cert Tree(ill have to start a thread on this)<==THIS IS A MUST
-Revamp the Command Rank System. somtin must be done bout this!
-Advanced Piloting/driving modes<==another thread
-anything i missed
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Old 2004-07-12, 01:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #50
Brigadier General
Lartnev's Avatar

Originally Posted by tjmonk15
-Naval Bases/vessels/battles/veh/whatever
Hinted as coming

Originally Posted by tjmonk15
-New bases
On its way

Originally Posted by tjmonk15
-prone would be kool, but they wont put it in
Not likely to happen (any time soon)

Originally Posted by tjmonk15
-Heavy Assault Tanks
Hinted at

Originally Posted by tjmonk15
-an infil that can actually do somtin
Possibly links in with new bases.

Originally Posted by tjmonk15
-Better defense capabilities in bases
Same again
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Old 2004-07-14, 07:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #51

instead of a grapple or sumthin like bout a super jump implant weeee
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Old 2004-07-16, 12:28 AM   [Ignore Me] #52
Cauldron Borne

Super Jump Implant = Return of the Jumping Surgiles of Doom. (all the old school guys know what I mean. the secret to NC success).
CauldronBorne, LiquidForce

SPAM SONG! (Yes, it DOES exist kiddies.)
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Old 2004-07-16, 01:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #53
Lieutenant General
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Originally Posted by Cauldron Borne
Super Jump Implant = Return of the Jumping Surgiles of Doom. (all the old school guys know what I mean. the secret to NC success).
That was NOT a bug, it was a secret ancient NC skill.
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none
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Old 2004-07-16, 01:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #54
Major General
EarlyDawn's Avatar

I'd like to see a better command structure a la the IdeaLab, or a true day-night cycle with flashlights, flares, NVGs, functional headlights, nearly undetectable infiltrators..

Oh yeah, and as mentioned, some tactically useful grenades would be spiffy. Flashbangs, and maybe concussion, teargas, or those flashbangs they fill with the rubber ball bearings, kinda like a tossable rubber bullet cluster bomb.

[Edit: Oh oh, and more man-portable stuff. the aformentioned M60 is a good anology, as would be man-portable mortars]

Last edited by EarlyDawn; 2004-07-16 at 01:50 AM.
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Old 2004-07-16, 02:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #55
Brigadier General
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Originally Posted by Rbstr
But realy what you want is good 'ol surgile back don't try to hide it.
That's what I said I'm not trying to hide it.
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Old 2004-07-16, 03:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #56
Staff Sergeant
Meursault00's Avatar

Get rid of the damn ugly orange visor for VS and replace it with the clear ones. (I might be bugged with this, not entirely sure yet)

I would kill for a sniping specialized suit, but balancing would be hell.

Empire specific SA

Empire specific sniper rifles

Cooler player models

An improved ability to customize characters (apart from gender and face) More voices too

The ability to rename favorites

The ability to have multiple implant slots, some implants that take up multiple slots, other implants that are specified for a certification

The ability to bind the turning off and on of multiple implants at once

I like the heavy assault tank idea

Better command structure is a must, more CR levels. Make getting CR (higher levels of cr5) like getting to become a Jedi in Star Wars Galaxies (extremely difficult and time consuming)

A common pool HA weapon (other than maelstrom)

The ability for a character to evolve. For instance the longer you run across terrain, you will get faster and faster until you reach standard armor footspeed. Or the more kills you get in a day, the smaller your cone of fire, or the longer you drive the better your handling of the vehicle is.

The more times repair your vehicle, the more armor it can have. Or maybe the more times you repair your vehicle the less armor your vehicle has.

A command database in planetside that is easy to use. (Sorta like the Steam system for those of you who have played games on Steam)

A cr5 backpack that actually holds extra stuff.

Sea vehicles. Maybe like HART where u board a ship, but the ship's location is pre-destined. Between continents you can be attacked or what have you. Also the ability to fly to other continents would be nice

Space battles! (Good idea for an expansion pack) In which case, you get empire specifc space fighters that you can get when you cert up for reaver and mossie. And also common pool space transport ships for air support that transport troopers to an orbital station. The station is built like a station, with everything from mess halls, to officer quarters, to a bridge, an engineering (I sound like a trekkie huh). The winer will be granted the ability to os anything on any continent for 3:00 minutes at which point the orbita station has to "recharge" for 30 minutes where any other empire can take the orbital station.

Garages so you can store the Enforcer or Prowler that you steal.

Bigger lockers

New different buldings (a given)

A city half the size of a sanctuary continent

More responsive terrain (you can use a flail to make trenches for instance)

trench warfare!

The ability to infect people (for ppl with med cert) like in TFC!
The added ability to cure like in TFC!

An option to turn off the fog, or to turn off the thing that allows you to only see a cetain distance and then everything disappears. I think it's a video optimization patch or something.

Tracker tags, tags where you can shoot at someone and will track them all over the continent.

Damage tags, tags that will constantly cause damage until removed by an engineer

The giving of XP to medics and engineers for repairing/healing/reviving someone/something

The increased ability to hot drop in more locations around an SOI than the ones already present.

The nullification of Broadcast warpgates

The ability to drop in an enemy held sanc

3 Equally balanced empires

Okay, that was a long post. Now I'm tired *yawn*
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Old 2004-07-16, 04:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #57

Yeah, space combat. I would like that to have jetpacks, and space-fighters with the ability to roll and be properly manoeverable, and being able to properly fly to space so you could be shot down on the way there, making it challenging. I would like to see the ability to hijack the orbital strike stations so you can stop enemy commanders on the ground from firing an OS. Deployable recon satellites would be cool, taking snapshots of enemy movement below.
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Old 2004-07-16, 07:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #58
Real Mulambo
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More outfit decals or customisable ones.
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Old 2004-07-16, 07:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #59
Staff Sergeant
ZjinPS's Avatar

The idea of a fixed and controllable turret is a great idea. A CE is limited to 10 spitfires so the limit for a fixed heavy machine gun would probably much less.

I'd also like to see Spits one can deploy in a sphere of influence, perhaps less lethal than a regular spit.

A second version of the ACE would be probably be needed for balance. But a medical terminal with a similar graphic as the Router pad would be nice aswell.
Curiosity didn't kill the cat. I did.
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Old 2004-07-19, 12:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #60

I would like to see different looking bases or even towns its getting alittle old going into the same bases the same towers. bases and towers should be different on each continent. The defenses should be stronger. the cannons should be harder to destroy than they are now. You should be able to put mines and spitfires inside of the buildings There also should be mini chainguns or machine guns or laser that you can put along the top walls or in the court yards that can ba manned when you base is under attack. This should be a addition to the engineer to build. Where there are crossroads towns should be built up so not only do oyu have to take bases but also towns and the building should be able to be destroyed then rebuilt when it has been taken over by the opposing force I like the idea that someone wrote about the navy you have alot of ocean and river why not put on coastal or river patrol boats with surface to surface missiles and maybe put carriers so that the reavers, mosquitos, etc can take off from.
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  PlanetSide Universe > PlanetSide Discussions > PlanetSide 1 Discussion



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