Today's batch of new Core Combat information has been released! This week it is about Underground Battlefields. It consists of a short paragraph, some screenshots, and 3 flash videos of "intercepted transmissions." Here's the paragraph: <blockquote>Hotspot Cyssor! Today�s battle took a turn for the worse for all three Empires as they each sought to lay claim to the south west regions of Cyssor. During a fierce running battle between the Nzame Amp Station, the Tore Interlink Facility and the Leza Technology Plant each Empire suffered a security breach of their communications when the generator in each of these bases blew at the exact same moment. This coincidental triple explosion caused transmission signals to be scattered across the atmosphere, able to be received by enemy forces, a truly embarrassing situation for Empire commanders who staunchly relied on their ability to communicate freely, and in secret. </UL>The transmissions can be found
here. Also, here are two new Core Combat photos from the new gallery they have posted. You can find all the new images released today and images released earlier in our
Media Section.
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