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Old 2004-10-22, 08:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
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Strygun's Avatar
Post The Race for Mechanical Resonance

And so the battle begins! Sporkfire has just announced the details of today's event which culminates the week-long BFR frenzy. Here's the details!
The Auraxian Core, making notice of the BFR mayhem occurring across the surface world, is reaching out to humanity again. It feels each human death. It hears the echo of the human�s death cry from the controls of the BFR. It knows it can help.

Each Empire has received what appear to be instruction sets for a resonance crystal attuned to the Core, which provides for a more stable psionic link to BFR interfaces.

The Core instructions state that it can deliver these crystals to the surface via a series of Monolithic columns spawned on each continent. Humanity must then retrieve these crystals and deliver them to the Capitol facility on the continent in which it spawned where it can be analyzed by your Empire's scientists. A monolith will spawn approximately once every 90 minutes on a random Battle Continent (but not on a Battle Island).

The spawning of these Monoliths will consume massive amounts of bandwidth on the Warpgate Lattice Network. So when a Monolith spawns each continent will be knocked offline as all facilities and towers go neutral. So, Empires will need to take the steps to capture and secure at least the Capitol building of the continent where the crystal spawns so that the crystal can be delivered.

At the end of this event, the Core will count how many crystals each of the Empires was able to install in Capitol facilities. The Empire that has installed the most crystals will be declared the winner, and all forces of that Empire that were logged in at some time during the event will have a reduced imprinting requirement to certify in BattleFrame Robotics that lasts for two weeks.

Participating soldiers of the winning empire will only require 4 Cavern Captures before they can begin the imprinting process.

Participating soldiers of the second place empire will require 7 Cavern Captures before they can begin the imprinting process.

The Empire that comes in third will require the full 10 Cavern Captures.

If a soldier does not use his imprinting reward within two weeks, they will lose it and be required to imprint with the full 10 captures.

In the event of a tie in this event, the Core will calculate who was able to deliver the crystals the quickest and name that Empire as the winner.

The race begins at 2 PM local time for each server! Werner: 2PM Central European Time
Emerald: 2PM US Eastern
Markov: 2 PM US Pacific
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