Been reading about it on, everything this guy says just screams "dickhead" to me.
this interview he claims that his game will beat PS2, Tribes Universe and that Firefall game (despite there being next to no info about all three).
RPS: How do you feel the game will stand up against SOE’s revamping of PlanetSide and Red 5′s Tribes-like, Firefall? What is LoD doing that stands out?
...Line Of Defense on the other hand is a totally different type of game. First and foremost, we have no time for silly things like crafting, resource gathering, instanced PvE or any of those grind-related rubbish. The focus is on character progression and pure twitch combat metrics.
And he contradicts most of the stuff there anyway on the LOD website;
A fireteam is a group of up to thirty-two players (or clone infantry personnel) from the same side and working toward as a team. They are the equivalent of player guilds.
So NPC guild mates?!
No. With the required CEP and CTC, you can however build outposts (a.k.a. player housing) on specially designated parts of the terrain using prefabricated (a.k.a. prefab) buildings, units etc. So for example once you find a plot of land and lease it (you need to purchase the required CTC), you can then build a small (e.g. four person) outpost which serves as player housing. You can then purchase various units such as shields, radar, turrets etc to protect and defend it.
So crafting houses.