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Old 2011-12-04, 03:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Brigadier General
NewSith's Avatar
Daily Commander Vote

The concept is easy as hell.

There're guys with maxed out commander tree. They all have continental chat. Every day at 18:00-22:00 a global commander vote pops up. People vote. The one who wins the vote gets his nickname attached to a small "Global Commander: <Nickname>" line to the lower left of the screen. People see who their commander is. The elected person gets the access to global chat and Empire missions.

That's it.
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Old 2011-12-04, 04:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Zulthus's Avatar
Re: Daily Commander Vote

No. The majority would always vote for the same person who did something right, no one else would get a chance. Plus, what's the point of people training in commanding if he never gets to use it? They should not restrict it to one person a day who may or may not be on for more than half an hour.
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Old 2011-12-04, 04:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Lieutenant Colonel
Re: Daily Commander Vote

Solo people trying to command a zerg that has not joined a group because they want to solo and be left in peace. In the end, having one super CR5 is not much better than a group of CR5.

I say no.
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Old 2011-12-04, 04:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Brigadier General
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Re: Daily Commander Vote

Originally Posted by Zulthus View Post
No. The majority would always vote for the same person who did something right*, no one else would get a chance. Plus, what's the point of people training in commanding** if he never gets to use it? They should not restrict it to one person a day who may or may not be on for more than half an hour.
* Noone plays 24/7, plus the thing would stimulate the commander to do "something right".
** Continental chat. And this chat exists exactly to do this "something", so he can get elected next time.

Originally Posted by sylphaen View Post
Solo people trying to command a zerg that has not joined a group because they want to solo and be left in peace. In the end, having one super CR5 is not much better than a group of CR5.
"not joined a group because they want to solo" people usually have outfit and outfit shall define goals for them. While the rest is usually zerging because they don't have a group YET.
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Old 2011-12-04, 09:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Re: Daily Commander Vote

Voting system could easily be abused and exploited. Besides, just because some guy is CR 5 doesn't mean you have to listen to him. You can always ignore them and do whatever the fuck you want. I sure as hell know that's what I'm doing in PS2.
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Old 2011-12-05, 03:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
Brigadier General
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Re: Daily Commander Vote

Originally Posted by DeeTwoEh View Post
Voting system could easily be abused and exploited.
How are you going to abuse a vote system with thousands of people voting and machine counting the results?
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Old 2011-12-05, 10:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
Re: Daily Commander Vote

Why is a vote even necessary? What is a commander supposed to be? Commanding troops.

Squad leader commands his squad.
Platoon leader commands the squads in his platoon.
regiment leader commands the platoons in his regiment
Continue as necessary for the population.

There are your commanders. Congratulations.
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Old 2011-12-05, 04:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Sergeant Major
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Re: Daily Commander Vote

A free game may have a zillion of retards who will vote someone acting like a complete moron just for the fun.

Outfits will vote on their own members.

Outfits will decide on their own.

TR won't follow an elected leader. The leader must be da biggezt ork around. And TR needs at least 3 of them, we know TR needs at least 3 of anything to be in par with other empires.

NC would simply refuse to follow a leader. Or they would sell the leader's shares, his company would loose it's value and then the NC would refuse to follow someone who's company just gone into blast, wouldn' they?

VS won't follow anyone but Vanu himself. Well, if you are called Briggs, you still have some chance.

What if the elected leader doesn't feel like global leading that evening? What if he looses connection? What if his baby wakes up in the middle of the night and our allmighty leader has to leave to change diapers?

I like the idea to approve those talented in leadership. We could just send "likes" or "thumbups" or similar and if he is willing to show he could present his points in the chat (autamically, after his name). This could still be abused (morons upping their members), but maybe 1 vote during a session, or 1 vote in every 12 hour, or 1 vote after 4 hours of playing (not agglomerating) would prevent that a minority abuses the system for their own fun.
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Old 2011-12-05, 04:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
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Re: Daily Commander Vote

What Trolltaxi said. No reason to give such power to one person when it will likely be a moron elected by morons.
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Old 2011-12-05, 04:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Brigadier General
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Re: Daily Commander Vote

Originally Posted by Trolltaxi View Post
A free game may have a zillion of retards who will vote someone acting like a complete moron just for the fun.

Outfits will vote on their own members.

Outfits will decide on their own.
I think with 1500+ the people will vote right. Also there're outfits like MercenaryS, Soul Reapers etc which are basically Black Ops outftis that will vote for somebody out of their ranks due to... the fact that they're going to do their own thing anyway, but having a commander that can support them with zerg may come in handy.

Originally Posted by Trolltaxi View Post
What if the elected leader doesn't feel like global leading that evening? What if he looses connection? What if his baby wakes up in the middle of the night and our allmighty leader has to leave to change diapers?
You can always have several global second-in-commands, voted the same way. This would also come in handy for TR.
But on a true note - I recall Werner TR having several people commanding at the same time. As in cooperatively commanding.

Originally Posted by Goku View Post
What Trolltaxi said. No reason to give such power to one person when it will likely be a moron elected by morons.
You're seriously underestimating it. The thing worked fine in quite a few MMOs I... let's just say saw.

Last edited by NewSith; 2011-12-05 at 05:00 PM.
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Old 2011-12-05, 05:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Major General
Crator's Avatar
Re: Daily Commander Vote

I sincerely hope that in PS2 the command role abilities are better defined.

What if, instead of a voting system, they took everyone with a high enough command rank that is able to be a global commander and then randomly picked a person (with the option for the person to opt out). All other people who were a part of the global command pick were then randomly chosen to be sub-commanders! See below for details on sub-commanders:

Sub-commanders would be picked in the same way the global commander is. Sub-commanders must exist on different continents (one or two per continent). Sub-commanders can send global chat to the continent they are on as well as participate in the Command Only chat channels which has the global commander and all other sub-commanders in it.

If a global commander quits the game or doesn't want to do it anymore then the process happens all over but with the option to give current sub-commanders the ability to keep their position or opt in to try and get the global commander position.

Last edited by Crator; 2011-12-05 at 05:43 PM.
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Old 2011-12-05, 07:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Zulthus's Avatar
Re: Daily Commander Vote

I still don't see why you think this is a good idea. If people in an outfit want to lead, let them. There should be no limit on how many people can be leading at once, if they so choose. Voting on a daily leader is just stupid.
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Old 2011-12-06, 07:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
Re: Daily Commander Vote

You already have picked your leaders. Why are you in that platoon if you didn't want that platoon leader leading you? Why are you staying in that platoon if he sucks?

The guy in charge of you is your squad leader. You chose to be following him. The guy in charge of your squad leader is the platoon leader he picked. The guy in charge of your platoon leader is the guy he picked to be regiment leader.

This isn't rocket science. Pick good leaders. If you don't like who your squad leader picked, bail, and join something else. Start your own squad.
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Old 2011-12-06, 08:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Major General
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Re: Daily Commander Vote

Thread is about commanders, not squad or platoon leaders...
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Old 2011-12-06, 08:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Re: Daily Commander Vote

Originally Posted by Crator View Post
Thread is about commanders, not squad or platoon leaders...
I... don't honestly know how to respond to this.

You guys are trying to replace CR5s.

CR5s were never needed in the first place. The people that need the tools to command and the tools to coordinate troops are the people in command of the troops, not a separate class of player.
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  PlanetSide Universe > PlanetSide Discussions > PlanetSide 2 Idea Vault



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