Originally posted by Joker
Well noticed - one thing this has brought to my attention is the great difference between the pistol mag sizes. In the weapons info we are told that the repeater (TR pistol) has a bigger ammo clip but not by how much. In the second pic we can see that the repeater has a clip larger than 13, and by the proportion of the icon that is highlighted, I would estimate about a 20 round clip. The first screen shows a mag scatter(NC sidearm) with a full clip of only 6 shells.
So there is quite a lot of difference between the two pistols, and, as it is assumed the pistols are relatively similar in potency (well balanced) we can assume that the NC Mag Scatter is significantly more damaging per shot that the Repeater
i wouldn't say it's more damaging, it's just that it's exactly like a shotgun with fewer pellets. Notice, most shotguns only have 7-8 shells, and pistols such as glocks have 20 rounds.