Can grenades be 'cooked'?
Something that I was wondering about grenades, is if they can be 'cooked' or not. 'Cooking' a grenade means that you don't throw it yet, but the timer on it still counts down, which if you were to keep holding it would result in it exploding in your hand and killing you. However, cooking grenades is very usefull, a uncooked grenade takes several seconds to explode and is only really usefull against a group of people in the middle of action where they won't notice a grenade land at their feet untill its too late, but once you can control the time to detonation, grenades suddenly have a hundred and one uses.
A adept player could take out a few players that have trapped him outside of a room, or take out a group of players around a corner, skilled players could even use it to severely damage or destroy MAXs, small vehicles or even air vehicles! The possibilities are endless! In my opinion, the ability to cook grenades or the lack therefor will be the primary deciding factor in how useful they are.