Originally Posted by Ynwe
Hey, just some noob questions:
Playing TR and I wanted to know if I can change the rate of fire from auto to single or semi?
The change fire mode button is B by default (also changes other stuff as well, like the engie turret into a second ammo pack for example). The icon showing the current mode is the one next to your ammo count. Not all weapons have other fire modes, and some have different ones than others.
Also: I don't know anyone in PS2. Is it of any importance later on to use a headset? And how can I (later when I am not a complete noob) get into a squad, or a group that is not completly made up of random players?
Your best bet is to look at some outfits, find one you like the look of, and get your application hat on. This very forum has a section for outfits and recruiting. Most will require some sort of voice comms.