The ONLY time the gen should be killed is to stop spawning. The only time it is usually needed is in bio labs (where the gen is in an easily accessable location). In all other bases, if you can make your way all the way to the gen, you can probably just as easily secure the spawn room (A base defence falls in a pattern, tower>terrain between tower and base>CY>front or back door>stairwell(if front door is penetrated)>spawn room. After the CY or front/back door is broken into, it becomes apparent it's only a matter of time before the spawn room is overrun. This is why bio labs are a special situation. Once the CY is broken into, you can get to the gen without breaking down the front/back door defence.
Also, in base draining situations, contrary to popular myth, the gen should be left intact. With all terminals and turrets destroyed the base will drain far faster than with the gen destroyed (in this case, ONLY the gen is auto-repaired until it is operational again).